28 hit(s)


1. SACRA THEOLOGIA • Szabolcs Anzelm Szuromi, O.Praem., Cardinal Mindszenty and the Hungarian bishops against the communist dictatorship (1947-1974) (80. oldal)
[...] date of October 23 rd 1956 to remove from office of [...] USA on November 4 1 1956 Based on the decision ofthat [...] statement of December 19 th 1956 made clear that he did [...] Lut tuosissimi eventus 25 oct 1956 AAS 48 1956 741 744 28 SZÁNTÓ K [...]
2. SACRA THEOLOGIA • Szabolcs Anzelm Szuromi, O.Praem., Cardinal Mindszenty and the Hungarian bishops against the communist dictatorship (1947-1974) (74. oldal)
[...] 1971 with particular focus on 1956 Obviously the most emblematic figure [...] Cardinalis Ioseph Mindszenty II Documenta 1956 1963 Az Apostoli Szentszék és [...] az USA elnökeivel és külügyminisztereivel 1956 1971 Budapest 2010 Somorjai Á [...] Leaders of the United States 1956 1971 Budapest 2011 So­morjai Á [...]
3. SACRA THEOLOGIA • Szabolcs Anzelm Szuromi, O.Praem., Cardinal Mindszenty and the Hungarian bishops against the communist dictatorship (1947-1974) (79. oldal)
[...] was done between 1950 and 1956 Only three remarkable facts I [...] their ecclesiastical office 25 III 1956 and Card Mindszenty About the [...] the war of independence of 1956 Therefore here I would like [...] 1989 26 Szántó K Az 1956 osforradalom és a katolikus egyház [...]
4. RECENSIONS (265. oldal)
[...] di un leader dell ottobre 1956 Le Monnier Firenze 2014 pp [...] fa il martedì 23 ottobre 1956 una gigantesca manifestazione po­polare tra [...] ottobre ed il 4 no­vembre 1956 resta legata al nome di [...]
5. RECENSIONS (267. oldal)
[...] al PCUS del 30 ottobre 1956 cf p 257 e poi [...] del comunismo europeo fino al 1956 evidenzi­ando grandezze e lacune limiti [...]
6. SACRA THEOLOGIA • Szabolcs Anzelm Szuromi, O.Praem., Cardinal Mindszenty and the Hungarian bishops against the communist dictatorship (1947-1974) (75. oldal)
[...] role in the revolution of 1956 Card Mindszenty called originally József [...] Rendszerváltó fordulatok évtizede Magyarországon 1945 1956 Budapest 2013 7 Mindszenty J [...]
7. IUS CANONICUM • José Miguel Viejo-Ximénez, The Summa Quoniam in Omnibus revisited (164. oldal)
[...] Revue d histoire ecclesiástique 51 1956 521 531 G Fransen Manuscrits [...] Revue d histoire ecclesiástique 51 1956 937 939 A Vetulani Le [...]
8. Szabolcs Anzelm Szuromi, O.Praem, Canon Law Institute in Budapest (1996-2016) (8. oldal)
[...] only on February 26 lh 1956 but by the reason of [...] on June 21 s 1 1956 The door of the Ecclesiastical [...]
9. (6. oldal)
[...] di un leader dell ottobre 1956 265 Sz A Szuromi Az [...]