5. oldal, 426 találat


81. Személynévmutató (156. oldal)
[...] 126 Brandenburgi György 91 124 Brodarics István 5 10 12 15 [...] 103 105 107 126 135 Brodarics Mátyás 73 Burgio Antonio 51 103 [...] Ember Crni Jovan 126 Csetényi Mátyás 123 Decibal 83 Decius Caius [...]
82. Contents (14. oldal)
239 István Brodarics to Elek Thurzó Buda 12 January 1535 436 240 István Brodarics to Elek Thurzó Buda 27 January 1535 438 241 Mátyás Brodaryth to István Brodarics Pécs 3 February 1535 440 242 István Brodarics to Piotr Tomicki Buda 15 [...]
83. 1526 (150. oldal)
[...] dominis meis colendissimis 69 István Brodarics to Krzysztof Szydlowiecki Pozsony 3 [...] London 1872 1876 Nr 2589 Brodarics reports on movements of the [...] The castle remained intact 2 Mátyás Nagy defended Esztergom from the [...]
84. 1527 (176. oldal)
[...] nec aere ferenda et 12 Brodarics arrived in Pozsony on 5 [...] until mid March 1527 13 Mátyás Brodarics then seems to have visited [...]
85. 1527 (179. oldal)
[...] regem liberum esse 83 István Brodarics to Antonio Burgio Esztergom 22 [...] of the earlier letters by Brodarics to Burgio survived 5 Girolamo [...] of Gurk 4 Reference to Mátyás Bánosai Squaquara Squaquara de Bancha [...] all the more likely because Brodarics who was Canon of Esztergom [...]
86. 1529 (237. oldal)
[...] domino mihi observandissimo Sealed by Brodarics own seal 117 István Brodarics to Ferenc Bácsi 1 Nyaláb [...] B fol 41 1 2 Brodarics asks Provost ofSzepes Ferenc Bácsi [...] et amico honorando Sealed by Brodarics own seal 6 Probably a [...] first adherents of Lutheran reformation Mátyás Dévai Bíró offers his work
87. 1531 (275. oldal)
[...] uti fratri honorandissimo 141 István Brodarics to Paulo Casali 1 Körösbánya [...] travels to Speyer to negotiate Brodarics is going to follow hint [...] avoid repeating the failure of Brodarics who chased the courts of [...] one of the sons of Mátyás Brodarics from his first marriage Nádasdy [...]
88. 1532 (292. oldal)
150 István Brodarics and Ferenc Frangepán to Tamás [...] Manuscript used MOL E 185 Brodarics levelek föl 12 13 1 Published by Kujáni Gábor Brodarics István levelezése Történelmi Tár 1908 [...] the county accepts too 3 Brodarics requests Nádasdy to intervene for [...] Közlemények 2004 1 32 5 Mátyás Brodarics 292
89. 1532 (293. oldal)
[...] et amico honorandissimo 151 István Brodarics to Tamás Nádasdy Gyulafehérvár 3 [...] Manuscript used MOL E 185 Brodarics levelek fol 14 15 Published Kujáni Gábor Brodarics István levelezése I 50 S [...] to settle the issue of Mátyás Brodarics with the Pogány family If Brodarics cannot consolidate his position with [...]
90. 1532 (294. oldal)
[...] 5 The second wife of Mátyás Brodarics was Sára csehi Pogány There [...] the csebi Pogány family 6 Brodarics certainly had some more profitable [...] background of the appointment of Brodarics as Bishop of Pécs see Varga Szabolcs Brodarics István pécsi püspök 1532 1537 [...]
91. 1532 (316. oldal)
163 István Brodarics to Tamás Nádasdy Buda 31 [...] Manuscript used MOL E 185 Brodarics levelek föl 34 35 Published Kujáni Gábor Brodarics István levelezése Történelmi Tár 1908 [...] Gritti 3 Ferenc Frangepán 4 Mátyás Brodarics 5 Ferdinand sent off the [...]
92. 1532 (328. oldal)
[...] l l The wife of Brodarics brother Mátyás was Sára csebi Pogány The [...]
93. 1533 (346. oldal)
[...] not know exactly what discussions Brodarics is referring to Szászvár was [...] septem praestanti corpore nymphae 14 Mátyás Brodarics 15 Kapuvár Sopron county property [...]
94. 1533 (349. oldal)
[...] quingentesimo tricesimo tertio 186 István Brodarics to Piotr Tomicki Buda 7 [...] 49 fol 79 82 2 Mátyás Brodarics 349
95. 1533 (356. oldal)
[...] carissimo ac honorandissimo 193 István Brodarics to Tamás Nádasdy Buda 28 [...] Manuscript used MOL E 185 Brodarics levelek fol 67 69 1 Published Kujáni Gábor Brodarics István levelezése 150 ft 1538 [...] llte case of his brother Mátyás Brodarics to Nádasdy he himself cannot [...]
96. 1533 (357. oldal)
[...] no data on them 5 Mátyás Brodarics was probably hit hard by [...] Slavonia in the previous year Brodarics alluded several times to the [...]
97. 1533 (359. oldal)
[...] Brodericus Sirmiensis subscripsit 195 István Brodarics to Tamás Nádasdy Pécs 18 [...] Manuscript used MOL E 185 Brodarics levelek fol 74 77 Published K UJÁNI Gábor Brodarics István levelezése 1508 1538 Történelmi [...] As soon as his brother Mátyás arrives from Mára maros he [...]
98. 1533 (387. oldal)
[...] the letter by Ferdinand to Brodarics on 19 August 1538 7 Mátyás Basó was the captain of [...]
99. 1535 (440. oldal)
[...] regis etc domino observandissimo 241 Mátyás Brodaryth 1 to István Brodarics Pécs 3 February 1535 Manuscript [...] to fulfil his obligation towards Brodarics 2 Furthermore he robbed possessions [...] requested him to meet István Brodarics or at least see to [...] to the bishopric of Pécs Mátyás wrote to him for a [...]
100. 1536 (484. oldal)
[...] Iunii anno 1536 269 István Brodarics to Ferdinand 1 Bologna 18 [...] Published ETE III 90 91 Brodarics informs Ferdinand that Ferenc Kápolnay [...] negotiated with legates of Szapolyai Brodarics and Frangepán as commissioner of [...] letter 10 The letter by Mátyás Brodarics referred to here is lost [...]