Murányi János szerk.: A Csíki Székely Múzeum Évkönyve 2007-2008. Művelődéstörténet (Csíkszereda, 2008)

MŰVELŐDÉSTÖRTÉNET - BENEDEK ÉVA: Két 18. századi csíksomlyói hangjelzett liturgikus töredék restaurálása

A CSÍKI SZÉKELY MÚZEUM ÉVKÖNYVE 2007-2008 13-32 BENEDEK ÉVA KÉT 18. SZÁZADI CSÍKSOMLYÓI HANGJELZETT LITURGIKUS TÖREDÉK RESTAURÁLÁSA Abstract: [The restoration of two liturgical sound signalled fragments from Csík­somlyó (Hung.; - Rom.: Çumuleu-Ciuc), from the 18 th century] The essay presents the restoration of two liturgical sound signalled fragments from Csíksomlyó, from the 18 th century. One work of art was created in 1733, the other one has no date. On both there are Virgin Mary antiphons, which were very popular among the Franciscans. The liturgical fragments have two pages, as at that age, the notes and the text were written with iron-gall ink, on dipped paper, and the initials were decorated probably by distemper. The fragments were placed at an unsuitable environment from the point of view of preservation, because they could demonstrate the marks of mechanical, chemical, biological damages before the restoration. Unfortunately, the cellulose fibres of one of the works of art have became fragile, crumbled, soft, owing to the micro­organisms, and through their products of metabolism, they left irreversible spots, marks on the paper. After the materials' testing carried out on the two liturgical fragments, they performed the disinfection, dry and wet cleaning, neutralization, "gluing", strengthe­ning of the edges, filling of gaps etc. One important task of the restorer is to use reversible materials during the operations, to take care of the historical, aesthetical role etc. of the object. Observing all the principles of the ethics of restorers, we managed to save two valuable works of art, to improve their state to be more valuable, to make them legible, researchable. Rezumat: [Restaurarea a doua fragmente liturgice eu notatie muzicalä de la Çumuleu-Ciuc (rom.; - magh.: Csíksomlyó) din secolul al 18-lea] Lucrarea prezintä restaurarea a doua fragmente manuscrise liturgice eu notatie muzicalä de la Çumuleu­Ciuc din secolul al 18-lea. Primul fragment provine din anul 1733, cel de-al doilea este nedatat. Pe fiecare se pot citi antifoane dedicate Sfintei Maria, care în secolele al 17­18-lea au fost foarte populäre în rándul franciscanilor. Fragmentele liturgice au câte doua pagini caserate pe pânzâ, notele muzicale si textul au fost scrise eu cernealä ferogalicä, pe hârtie manualä, iar initialele au fost decorate, probabil, eu tempera. Fragmentele au fost depozitate si conservate în mediu necorespunzätor, de aceea, înainte de restaurare, au prezentat degradäri mecanice, chimice si biologice. Hârtia din fibre de celulozä a unuia dintre obiecte a fost fragi­lizatä de microorganisme (mucegaiuri), care au läsat pete, urme ireversibile pe hârtie. Dupä investigatiile efectuate, a urmat dezinfectia, curätarea uscatä si umedâ, neutralizarea, reîncleierea, întarirea marginilor, completarea lipsurilor, etc.

