Dr. Kubassek János szerk.: A Kárpát-medence természeti értékei (Érd, 2004)

Edit Lendvainé Timár: A Swedish botanist-geographer in the Tatra Mountains - Göran Wahlenberg's research in the Northwest-Carpathians

The Byzantine Grant from the Uppsala University supported his trip. Wahlenberg went to Berlin in 1811 to meet the famous geologist, Leopold von Buchs, and the botanist Ludwig Willdenows. From Berlin he went to Göttingen, he toured the Harz Mountains. Then he travelled to Switzerland to study the natural environment of the Alps. Before he arrived in the Carpathians, he met Dr. Franz von Portenschlag in Vienna in May 1813, from whom he probably received lots of information about the flora of the Carpathians. ahlenberg arrived at Lublo on 6 June 1813- Later he turned east along the FV Vág River. At Lipótújvár (Hradek), where the Vág and Béla Rivers meet, he turned south. He climbed Gyömbér Peak in the Lower Tatras on 21 June. Then he went northwards along the Béla River, crossed the Vág River, and took a boat on the Raczkova River. Lie toured the area around Rohács. He had a plan to climb Kriván Peak. He finally managed to reach the peak after his second attempt on 29 June. Wahlanberg's favourite town in the Tatras was Késmárk (Kezmarok). There he enjoyed the hospitality of Father Tamás Mauksch, whose wide knowledge of the region may have also impressed him. Wahlenberg started to climb Lomnicky Peak on 11 July, but the large amount of snow stopped him. Instead, he decided to go to Javorina and to Neumark (Nowy Targ today). Later he used the Black Dunajec and Árva Rivers to go to the castle of Árva. He visited the Lower Fátra Mountains, climbed Fátra Peak of Kriván and the nearby mountains. He made study tours in the Liptó Mountains in end July and early August, and then he turned eastwards again and climbed Kriván Peak for the second time. From here he went to Késmárk again. He managed to reach Lomnicky Peak on 19 August. Later he collected plants in the Béla Tatra Mountains. The weather turned bad and he was forced to return to Késmárk, where he organized his collection and notes. Wahlenberg travelled to the mountains again on 5 September. Although there was deep snow, he climbed Vörös-tó Peak and Fehér-tó Peak, toured Kopa Hill, the Béla Tatra Mountains, reached the peak of Bolond Gerő and Mészárszék. Then he continued to the western parts of the High Tatras, where he collected moss. He followed the Poprád River and Hincó Stream and reached Nagy-Hincó Lake on 11 October. Here he WAHLENBERG IN THE CARPATHIANS

