Kasza Péter (szerk.): Stephanus Brodericus - Epistulae (Bibliotheca Scriptorum Medii Recentisque Aevorum, Series Nova XIV., Argumentum Kiadó - Magyar Országos Levéltár, Budapest, 2012)


298 István Brodarics to Tomás Lascano1 Kassa, 21 April 1538 Manuscript used: IIHStA, Ung. Akt. Fasc. 35. Konv. A, föl. 60.1 2 Published: ETE III. 243-244. Brodarics informs Captain Tomás Lascano that he is to arrive at Eperjes soon. Asks him to arrange for proper lodging for him. Segnore Mio Magnifico. Salutem plurimam et commendationem. Vado da la Segnoria Vostra questa sera com la gratia de Dio. Spero esser com quela in Eperyes. Prego quela, voglia far me haver hospicio bono,3 et a quela me ricomando. Cassovie di de la Pasqua 1538 5 Servitore et bon fratello vescovo di Vacia Imbassadore On the outer side: Magnifico Domino Thome de Lascano supremo capitaneo peditum serenissimi regis Romanorum etc, domino et amico observandissimo. 299 István Brodarics to Ferdinand I Cracow, 6 May 1538 Manuscript used: HHStA, Ung. Akt. Fasc. 35. Konv. B. fol. 5-6. Published: ETE III. 247-248. /. He asks Ferdinand to inform Archbishop of Lund Johann Wese, or in his absence the Bishop of Győr about the reason for his delay. - 2. He has to raise a complaint about Captain Tomás Lascano. who did not allow him to enter Eperjes despite his status as official envoy so he had to spend the night in u nearby small vil­lage. This insults not only him but his King too. - 3. Szapolyai s people received imperial legate Wese quite 1 Tomás Lascano, military commander of Spanish origin under Ferdinand. At this' time he had been serving in Hungary for decades. He was one of the leaders of the army in the autumn of 1528 which was defeated by the troops of Simon Athinai Deák, who was preparing the way for Szapolyai’s return home. In the early 1530s, he is Constable of Esztergom together with his nephew Martin. In 1532, he defends the castle successfully against besieging troops of Gritti. (See Bethlen Farkas, Erdély története /., Budapest, 2000, 106.; 120.) Deputy Captain-General of Upper Hungary from 1538 until his death in July 1539. (See Pálffy Géza, Kerületi és végvidéki főkapitányok és főkapitány-helyettesek Magyarországon a 16-17. szá­zadban, Történelmi Szemle, 1997, 287.) 2 Autograph. 5 Brodarics was disappointed: Lascano did not even let him in to Eperjes. See the next letter. 524

