Oberlander Báruch rabbi (szerk.): A rabbi válaszol. Modern kérdések, hagyományos válaszok 4 - Zsidó Ismeretek Tára 38. A rabbi válaszol 4. (Budapest, 2021)

I. rész. Kérdezd a rabbit világjárvány idején - Zsinagóga és imádkozás

31 A rabbi válaszol dangerous. As of now all the medical experts agree that the danger is still upon us, as we personally witnessed recently, when a young healthy Shaliach and Rabbi passed away in one of our neighboring European countries. May his memory be blessed. After leniencies will be implemented we need to wait for approximately 2 weeks and observe what the results of the leniencies are. We are all hoping that after that waiting period it will become clear that there is a way we can congregate with no danger. Thus we will happily open our Shuls, and thank Hashem for enabling us to once again pray with our congregations. In order that these matters be clear to the local general community as well, I will IY”H be giving an online class in Hungarian on Sunday night, in which I will explain my opinion at length. I hope this will also be a source of a big Kiddush Hashem, when other people see that Jewish law takes matters of life and death and the sanctity of life very seriously. We pray that it may be so that Hashem says ENOUGH to all our troubles, and that He spreads His wings over us and over the entire house of Israel, and the entire world; and that from now until eternity, no harm should come upon us. דובכב הכרבבו ךורב רעדנאלרעבא ד״בא טסעפאדוב In the following pages I will explain my opinion with further reasoning. I ask of Hashem that I should not falter in any words of Halacha G-d forbid, and surely not in these matters, which are of the utmost severity. I will try not to be concise in places which are not fit to be concise, for when it comes to matters of life and death it is very important that the matters should be delivered in a manner which is as clear as possible.

