Oberlander Báruch rabbi (szerk.): A rabbi válaszol. Modern kérdések, hagyományos válaszok 4 - Zsidó Ismeretek Tára 38. A rabbi válaszol 4. (Budapest, 2021)

I. rész. Kérdezd a rabbit világjárvány idején - Zsinagóga és imádkozás

Zsidó ismeretek tára 32 THE MATTER AT HAND IS A HALACHIC MATTER, AND A DECISION SHOULD NOT BE MADE SIMPLY BASED ON PERSONAL CONVENIENCE Firstly, it is important to emphasize that the questions regarding gatherings, and the opening of Shuls, is not a question of “position”, where everyone can make his own decision, based on whatever suits him best, and whatever he thinks will bring him, his family and his congregation the most comfort and convenience. Rather, it is purely a question of Halacha, which needs to be resolved by a purely Halachic ruling. Just as everyone understands that a question regarding a matter of life and death re the desecration of Shabbat, or Yom Kippur, is not a question of “comfort”, but rather a matter which needs to be brought to a Rav, who can rule Halachically, so too in our case. No person has the right to simply be lenient or stringent as he wishes. A PERSON HAS NO RIGHT TO OBSERVE SHABBAT IN A SITUATION WHERE IT HAS BEEN RULED THAT ONE MUST BE LENIENT BECAUSE OF A LIFE AND DEATH MATTER Shabbat could be a good example how to judge our situation. Just as when it comes to a matter of life and death on Shabbat, a person can not say “The Shabbat is very important to me, I have not desecrated the Shabbat even once since I was born. In fact for thousands of years Jews have been observing Shabbat with such self sacrifice. We all know that Shabbat is what has kept our holy nation together. Therefore, 1 must be lenient now in this matter of life and death, and continue to observe the Shabbat even though there is danger!” Every person can understand on their own that any Jew who claims this, is to be considered someone who is removing from himself the yoke of G-d, and he is going against Halacha. At this moment, observing Shabbat under these circumstances, is the worst thing he can do in the eyes of G-d. The same G-d that has commanded us to observe Shabbat, also commanded us to “live by them” and not to endanger ourselves, but rather desecrate the Shabbat in order to save a human life.

