William Penn Life, 1997 (32. évfolyam, 1-11. szám)
1997-01-01 / 1. szám
I Branch News January 1997, William Penn Life, Page 5 Officers of Branch 51 Passaic, N.J., for 1997 are: (hr) Ernest ]. Mozer Sr., secretary; Frank Zimmerman, vice president; Christine K. Mozer, auditor; Joseph Baumgartner, Auditor; Arthur Barillo, president; and Richard A. Mozer, treasurer. The children of Branch 71 Duquesne, Pa., and Branch 89 Homestead, Pa., lead the singing of carols at a Christmas party hosted by both branches. Santa Claus greets the children during the annual Christmas party hosted last month by Branch 88 Rural Valley, Pa. Continued from Page 4 lievable tricks. The loud shouts of the children, their parents and other guests filled the room during the entire show. Afterwards, Jamie and Katie led everyone in singing Christmas carols from the carol books provided by the Home Office. Singing the traditional Christmas songs helped bring out the true Christmas spirit in all present. As everyone sang "Jingle Bells,” Santa Claus (John Mozer) made his grand entrance, ringing his bell all the while. The younger children stared in wonder as he let out a hearty "Ho! Ho! Ho!” All eagerly responded "yes” when Santa asked if they had been good little girls and boys during the past year. As each child sat on Santa’s lap, they were asked what they would like for Christmas. Their requests seemed endless. Santa, with the help of President Barillo, gave each child a gift. All children also received coloring books, crayons, pencils and pens. The adults received pens, key chains and lovely 1997 William Penn calendars. We would like to increase our membership. To do that, we need SPRINGDALE, PA — Springdale Cemetery, the final resting place for many of this area’s Hungarians, recently received an early—and most welcome and needed—Christmas present. Monetary donations were made by two people after they read about the 150-year-old cemetery in the September 1996 issue of the William Penn Life, said Marie Charles, a member of WPA Branch 296 and the Springdale Cemetery Association. your help. So, parents, grandparents and loyal friends, please contact us. Membership in our Association would be a lovely gift, and the recipient will never forget you. After Santa left, all were invited to stay for refreshments and to enjoy themselves with their families, friends and fellow members. A true fraternal afternoon was had by all. We would like to thank the Home Office for all its assistance in making this party a success. We wish all a very happy and healthy new year. Branch 71 Duquesne, PA Branch 89 Homestead, PA By Ruth D. Toth Branch 89 Coordinator On Sunday, Dec. 8, the Homeville Fire Hall was the setting for a Christmas party hosted by Branches 71 and 89. The weather cooperated and the turnout was wonderful. As the children entered the The donations will be used to help maintain the historic cemetery and its verdant beauty. The cemetery has no employees or perpetual care policy. Volunteers painstakingly mow the grass and maintain the grounds. Anyone interested in helping to preserve this piece of our heritage and history should contact the Springdale Cemetery Association, P.O. Box 99, Springdale, PA 15144. hall, they were given a bag of goodies. The program began with a welcome by Roger Nagy, vice chairman of the Board, who introduced National Vice Presiden- Secretary Richard Toth, former National Secretary Gus G. Nagy, former National Director William C. Kohut and current National Director Elmer W. Toth. The children were entertained by magician Michael "Doc” Dougherty, who kept them in awe with all the tricks he performed. After the entertainment a delicious buffet luncheon was served and enjoyed by all. As everyone aw'aited the arrival of Santa, they sang Christmas carols and the magic song "Jingle Bells” that brought Santa into the hall with shouts of joy. Santa mingled with the children and distributed gifts to them. We extend our thanks and appreciation to the National Officers and Board of Directors who make all this possible. Branch 89 and Branch 71 extend best wishes to all their members, the National Officers, National Directors and Home Office employees for a very happy new year. A special thank you goes to Gus G. Nagy, Betty Nagy, Roger Nagy, Elaine Toth, Rick Toth, John Toth, Lisa Toth and Elmer and Ruth Toth who worked to make the Christmas party a success. Thanks to Elmer Toth for doing a terrific job as Santa. Branch 88 Rural Valley, PA By Joseph Chobody Branch 88 Reporter Branch 88 hopes all of its members had a merry Christmas. At our December meeting we elected the following as officers for 1997: Dennis Chobody, president; Kathy Chobody, vice president; Geno Cicchiani, secretary-treasurer; and Joseph Chobody and Corrine Cicchiani, auditors. Good luck in 1997. The branch Christmas party was held on Sunday, Dec. 8, at the club social hall. A nice crowd was on hand and all the children got to tell Santa what they wanted for Christmas. Thanks to all who helped. Best wishes to Geno and Corrine Cicchiani who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in November. May you have many more. Branch 129 Columbus, OH By Arpad Sibrik Branch 129 Coordinator On Dec. 11 we held our branch meeting and election of officers for 1997. Congratulations to our officers: Marge Boso, president; Arpad Sibrik, vice president; Margaret Leonardo, secretary; Priscilla Sibrik, treasurer; and Irene Voss and Linda Albert, auditors. Good luck to all in the new year. On Dec. 14 the branch held its annual family Christmas party at the VFW Hall on Princeton Avenue, Columbus. About 250 members and guests came and had a good time. There was plenty of good food, including cabbage rolls, Hungarian sausage, fried chicken, scalloped potatoes, apro kaposta and pastries, plus plenty of liquid refreshment. Everyone sang Christmas songs, and then we gave $5 bills, candy, coloring books, sunglasses and other gifts to the children. We thank the Home Office for the goodies. As usual, the 1997 William Penn calendars were a big hit with everyone. Congratulations to Diane Torma on her election as national vice president-treasurer. Good luck, Diane. Nick Relle, a member of our branch, was voted W. H. soccer player of the year by the Wayne- Holmes soccer coaches association in Wooster, Ohio. He is a great leader and very hard worker on the soccer field. His grandparents are Columbus residents and Branch 129 members. Congratulations, Nick, and keep up the good work. Our next branch meeting will be held on Feb. 12, weather permitting, at the VFW Hall, 1591 Lockbourne Road, Columbus. If the weather is bad, check with the officers to see if the meeting will be held. For any life insurance needs, please call Arpad Sibrik, branch coordinator, at (614) 231-8024 or write to 645 S. Kellner Road, Columbus, OH 43209. Branch 132 South Bend, IN By Frank J. Wukovits, Jr. National Director At our November branch meeting, our members voted to deliver five food baskets to the needy and fruit baskets to former branch officers who are too ill to participate in branch activities. We wanted those former officers to know that, just because they are not able to be active, we have not forgotten them. While delivering one of the food baskets, I was reminded of how small our seemingly "big” problems really are when compared to the conditions of those in need. I found the needy recipient was not in an apartment but had been transferred to a long term care facility. The move will be permanent for her. Our children’s Christmas party was held Dec. 14 on the top floor of the Key Bank Building in South Bend. Bill Harvey and his wife Rita put on an excellent magic show and recruited some of the children to participate. Santa and Mrs. Claus came with gifts and talked and played with the youngsters. Our thanks go to everyone who helped with this year’s party. The decorations were elegant; the pizza, pop, cookies and ice cream were plentiful. One of the youngsters said he was supposed to go to another Christmas party, but he told his mother the William Penn Christmas party is the best. Many of the children brought non-perishable food items to be given to those in need. This allowed us to put together another food basket in addition to those we delivered earlier. Our thanks also go to Key Bank for the use of their facilities. At our branch meeting on Dec. 18, the members unanimously reelected all officers to another term. And, in an effort to encourage member participation in the WPA Annual Bowling Tournament being held in Detroit, we adopted a motion to pay the entry fees of all life-benefit members who bowl. If all five members of the team are life-benefit members, the branch will buy lettered shirts for up to three teams. They then will be entered as branch teams. We are also planning to have a branch mixed softball team this year. We welcome any interested life-benefit members to contact us. To be a member of our team, prospective players need only to: (1) know what a softball is; and (2) want to have a lot of fun. Parents who have children in college are encourage to get the word out to them. May God bless you and keep you in good health. Cemetery gets donations from 'Penn Life’ readers