Vízügyi Közlemények, 1996 (78. évfolyam)

3. füzet - Nagy Illés: 150 éves a tiszai gőzhajózás

364 Nagy I. built in London, motor-cruised to Orsova where it was confiscated by the Austrian, as it was the time of the freedom-fight of Hungarians against Austria. Thus the company could not even start its acti­vities. The Hungarian River and Sea Navigation Company was founded in 1895 and operated weekly six passenger and cargo lines along the route Szolnok"Csongrád-Szeged.Recession of Tisza naviga­tion followed the First World War. One of the reasons was that treaties split up the River Tisza by borders and the river became a five-nation's river. This resulted in much reduced shipping of salt and timber from the Sub-Carpath and also of other cargo from Rumanian and Yugoslavian ports. Another reason was the rapidly accelerating growth of rail and road cargo shipping. In the period 1933-1940 the average cargo shipping of the River Tisza amounted to 184,000 t/year with the maximum of 281,000 t/year in 1940. The third reason was that hardly any new ports and docks (Figure 7.) have been built because cheap labour was available for the heavy work of cargo loading and unshipping. After the 2nd World War the average cargo shipping of the Tisza river, mostly consisting of stone and sand for hydraulic construction, amounted to annua! 100,000 tonnes only, in spite of the improved navigation conditions that was created by the Tiszalök River barrage (1954) and the Novi­Becsei River Barrage (1976) (Figure 9.). Passenger navigation reached its peak in 1957 with 1,410,008 passenger (Figure 10.). After the 2nd World War the average cargo shipping of the Tisza river, mostly consisting of stone and sand for hydraulic construction, amounted to annual 100,000 tonnes only, in spite of the improved navigation conditions that was created by the Tiszalök River barrage (1954) and the Novi­Becsei River Barrage (1976) (Figure 9.). Passenger navigation reached its peak in 1957 with 1,410.008 passenger (Figure 10.). Crossings and ferries are important and useful components of the Tisza navigation (Table I.). The ferry of Poroszló-Tiszafüred operated also in Roman times and the Via Commercialis transport­ation route crossed at the Várkony Varsány Ferry (Figure 11.). A document of King Géza the First mentions the ferries of Szolnok and Alpár, in 1075. Present times of Tisza navigation is characterized, after the changeover of the political regime, with the development of respective enterprises. Substantial development would, however, require the regulation of the shallows and fords of the Middle-Tisza waterway and the upgrading of the port­and-wharf infrastructure. In addition to cargo shipping, future development necessitates the enhance­ment of recreational and touristic boating facilities. It is worthwhile to remember to the statement made in a paper on the "Future of Hungarian Waterways" written by Professor Sándor Rohringer in 1936 stating that the "main factors of the future of Hungarian waterways include: good agriculture, good industry and reliable tradesmen". * * * 150 Jahre Dampfschiffahrt an der Theiß von Dr.-Ing Illés NAGY Mit dem Grafen István Széchenyi an Bord, hat das Dampfschiff „Pannónia" zuerst im Juli 1846 die Theißstrecke zwischen Szeged und Tokaj zurückgelegt. Entlang dieser Flußstrecke wurde im Mittelalter Salz, Holz, Kohle, Getreide und nicht zuletzt Kriegsausrützung gefördert. Über die An­fänge der Theißschiffahrt liegen die ersten Überlieferungen aus dem Jahre 1002 vor, als der Rebel­len-Anführer Ajtony die königlichen Saltztransporte abgefangen hat. Der Kahn (Bild 2) war ein unentbehrliches Verkehrsmittel in den Sümpfen der Ungarischen Tiefebene. Für den ersten Abschnitt dcer Geschichte der Theißschiffahrt waren die Flöße typisch (Bild 3), welche bereits im Donationsb-

