Vízügyi Közlemények, 1975 (57. évfolyam)

2. füzet - Böcker Tivadar-Csoma Jánosné-Liebe Pál-Lorberer Árpád-Major Pál-Müller Pál: A felszín alatti vízforgalom elemzése a Bükk-hegység déli előterében

A felszín alatti vízforgalom 207 Analysis of the underground water budget in Ihe southern border area of the Itiikk .Mountain Hange By T. Böcker, J. Csoma (Mrs.), P. Liebe, Á. Lorberer, P. Major and P. Müller A minor part of the southern border area of the Bükk Mountain Range situ­ated in the northern part of Hungary (Fig. 1.) has been selected to analyse the morphological characteristics, geological structure an structural conditions (Fig. 2.). Each type of subsurface water, namely shallow ground water (Fig. 2.), artesian water (Figs. 4. and 5.) and karstic water is encountered in the area, the pressure conditions (water tables) of which and the permeabilities of the aquifers have been analysed in detail by the authors. The geothermal conditions, as well as the chemistry of the ground waters have also been included in the analysis. A detailed study of infiltration in the area considered has revealed annual infiltration to, and evaporation from groundwater to be comparable in magnitude on the average for 10 years. Concerning the artesian waters, the horizontal- and vertical exchange and communication thereof have been analysed, with allowance for the pressure gradients along the two above directions in the waterbearing strata. Taking the geological structure into consideration, the discharges transferred from the artesian- and ground waters are examined. From the results of these examinations the following conclusions have been arrived at: — In the part of the foothill area of the Bükk Mountain Range considered artesian waters may be recharged from the thermal karstic water flowing upward, while part of the artesian water escapes towards the Great Plains, the other part recharging the shallow ground water through "sand windows" situated between the impervious layers. — The ground water seeping away in the horizontal direction from the area originates on the one hand from infiltration, on the other from artesian water. In this way the subsurface waters form a coherent system in the area considered. Upward flow of karstic water into the Pannonian and Quaternary layers con­taining artesian waters is supported also by the results of chemical analyses of the different types of water. In fact, no substantial differences have been observed in the anions, kations and total dissolved salts contained in the different waters. Similar evidences are likely to be obtained also by analysing the temperatures of the different water types. As a final conclusion the probable water balance of the coherent subsurface water system in the southern fringe of the Bükk Mountain range, related to the area con­sidered, has been compiled in Table VIII, and illustrated in both cartographic form, as well as in a schematical geological profile in Fig. 11. * * * Analyse du regime des eaux souterraines dans les contrefors méridionaux de la montagne de Bükk par Böcker, T., Mme Csoma, J., Liebe, P., Lorberer, A., Major, P. et Müller P. Sur une section restreinte des contreforts méridionaux de la montagne Bükk située dans la partie septentrionale de la Hongrie (Fig. 1.) les auteurs étudient les caractéristiques hydrographiques morphologiques du territoire, la structure géolo­gique et les conditions structurales (Fig. 2.). Tous les types des eaux souterrains se rencontrent sur le territoire, notamment, les eaux souterraines proprement dites (Fig. 3.), les eaux profondes fnappe d'eau de couche) (Fig. 4. et 5.) et l'eau kars­tique dont les états de pression (les niveaux d'eau) et le coefficient de perméabilité intrinsèque ont été analysés par les auteurs. Ils ont également étudié les conditions géothermiques ainsi ([lie les données d'analyses des eaux souterraines.

