Fekete István - Dobos Alajos: Az öntözés mezőgazdasági és műszaki tervezése (Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1972)
Variant groups 301 Application of the method 302 Method of planning irrigation equipments with transferable piping 303 Development of the equipment 303 Size of the irrigable area 303 Size of the area irrigable from one main 304 Number of operating laterals 304 Extent of the installation reserve 306 Economical evolvement of the equipment 306 Factors to be examined 306 Examinations on economic efficiency 307 Determination of the most favourable shape of the Fe2 area 310 Method of elaboration of the operationg scheme 311 Determination of the optimum operating layout of the main 314 Hydraulic dimensioning of the installation 318 Hydraulic dimensioning of the lateral 319 Hydraulic dimensioning of the main 319 Determination of the length of time for one running of the main 319 Application of the methods 321 Special purpose utilization of sprinkler equipments 325 Protection against deflation on sandsoil 326 Sprinkling for frost control 327 Tube well irrigation by transferable sprinkler equipment 327 Vehicle mounted sprinkler equipment 330 Method of planning of sprinkler equipments with underground mains and transferable laterals (A. Fekete) 332 Determination of operating units 332 Plotting of irrigation units 336 Examination of sprinkler irrigation units 338 Effect of the number of laterals operating as side lines on the cost of the underground piping 340 Effect of the number of sprinklers operating on the lateral on the specific cost of the underground piping 349 Effect of the place of the pumping station and the various lay-outs of the main on the cost of the underground piping 350 Effect of the irrigation in one or two plots of one-third or one-fourth of the sprinkler unit area on the cost of the underground piping 353 Effect of the changes in intensity on the cost of the underground piping 354 Effect of the shape and size of the irrigable area on the cost of the underground piping 356 Effect of the lifting height of the pumping station (utilizable for dimensioning the piping) on the cost of the underground piping 362 Summing up of the planning prescriptions related to sprinkler installations 365 Practical application of the results 366 Frost control sprinkler irrigation by irrigation equipment consist ing of underground mains and transferable laterals (A. Dobos) 368 30