Fekete István - Dobos Alajos: Az öntözés mezőgazdasági és műszaki tervezése (Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1972)


Examination of the possibility of frost control sprinkler irrigation (I. Fekete) 371 Area of the irrigation unit in the Cooperative 373 Farm at Hajdúszovát, protectable by frost control irrigation 373 Measures in the marking out of the area to be irrigated for special purposes 373 Determination of the water-discharge of laterals 375 Determination of the intensity to be applied in frost control irrigation 375 Choice of the sprinkler . 375 Determination of the pressure losses in laterals 375 Determination of the pressure to be provided at the hydrant 375 Examination of the diameters and water-discharge capacity of the under­ground piping 376 Determination of the size of the area to be irrigated for special purposes 376 Marking out of the area 377 Evaluation of the variants 377 Application of irrigation equipments with mechanized transfer of laterals 381 PART 3. COORDINATION OF AGRICULTURAL AND TECHNICAL PLANNING (I. Frkbp e) Method for the coordination of agricultural and technical planning 401 Steps of agricultural and technical planning 401 Steps of agricultural planning 402 Steps of technical planning 402 Logical relations of agricultural and technical planning, presentation of the coordinated planning schedule 403 Economic eff iciency of the Kisköre Barrage and its irrigation systems. — Evaluation of the economic efficiency of irrigation 405 Literature 409 Author index 417 Subject index 419 31

