O. G. Dely szerk.: Vertebrata Hungarica 4/1-2. (Budapest, 1962)
Tusnádi, Gy.: The allometrical research of quantitative qualities of Rhodeus sericeus amarus (Bloch) 1-11. o.
evolution,so for that elected as a main unit the body length to express the different measurements. At Rhodeu s we can see that, from the linear measurements the development of body height is quicker than at the length of body so shaped a fish of short body and high back form. If we compare the developmental speed of 3 examined linear measurements together with the increase of weight that found, to the change of body weight contribute with 84,23 while other measurements changes controls the body weight of the examined species with 15,77 %. For the reliability of conclusions I examined, that to the change of cubic capacity of body which is made by me in tree dimensions how much contribute the length, the width, and the height. Before, I used up tae cubic capacity of body for the substitution of weight, to prove my supposition with this v/eight change, I had to see does represent the cubic capacity of body really the body v/eight. After the allometrical calculations in relation to body weight and the cubic capacity of body, as well as the cubic capacity of body and the weight of body got practically the same allometrical exponents a = 0,9360, and a = 0,9327. This means that, practically I can replace the body weight with the cubic capacity of body, because one unit change of body weight, call forth one unit change of cubic capacity of body. So I could calculate the 3 linear measurement's allometrical exponent compared to cubic capacity of body. In relation to body length a = 0,2653,to body width a = 0,3219, to body length a = 0,3846 changing speed is calculated by me. Appreciated in % the effect of 3 linear measurements together compared to the changing speed of cubic capacity of body, as it was expected we saw, that the 3 measurements exert in 99,39 %, practically in 100 % the changes of cubic capacity of body. This résultés compared with the effect of 3 linear measurements, in the body wight relation shores up that result, that to the changing increase of weight