O. G. Dely szerk.: Vertebrata Hungarica 4/1-2. (Budapest, 1962)
Tusnádi, Gy.: The allometrical research of quantitative qualities of Rhodeus sericeus amarus (Bloch) 1-11. o.
contribute the 3 linear measurement really with 84,23 %» and. -»ther measurements changes contribute with 15,77 %. The calculated values of my investigation are published in appendixes specially the allometrical lines of different measurements and equations of measurements. Up to this point I examined the changing speeds of different measurements, that these changes of measurements how exert the morfology of Rhodeus sericeus amaru s BLOCH. I would like to refer to that, at the systematic appreciation of populations how important is the dynamical examenation of measurements and in case of fishes not suitable to stabilize some relations of measurements just by the method variational statistics. Let s see an often used proportional number,what is used to characterize the fishes, this is the quotient of length of body and of height of body. In my dissertation I wrote the connections of two measurements and with the help of equation to the relation /log y = - 0,8035 + 1,4833 . log x/ was able to calculate a value tabulation which contains really absolute numbers which gives in cm the values of population of Karapancsa. Longitudo corporis: 3 6.9 cm Altltudo corporis: 0,80 2,24 4,09 " quotient: 3,75 2,67 2,20 As visible from the tabulation,calculated with the help of the equation, that 3, 6, and 9 cm body length Rhodeu s, has how much cm height. If we divide the the measurements we got the quotient. Visible that the value of quotient from shorter fishes tile bigger fishes decreases. If the systematic is lucky that his specimens are mostly from 8-9 cm ones, then he gets a quotient at 2,20 approximetly . If he compares this population with such specimes at 3-4 cm, then will get quotient at 3,75 about. The difference of two average calculated by variational statistic will show sig-