O. G. Dely szerk.: Vertebrata Hungarica 4/1-2. (Budapest, 1962)
Tusnádi, Gy.: The allometrical research of quantitative qualities of Rhodeus sericeus amarus (Bloch) 1-11. o.
qualities of higher developed animals are in change, in transform, absolutly reasonable to examine the qualities dynamicly. The quantitative qualities of growth are in correlation to each other at the livings. The delineation of two quantitative qualities in coordinate system results curved line, which is a part of a parabola, so the curved line's equation is precisely definable and by the equation on the way of substitution can calculate ad libitum facts within the examined period of life.Such a single connections are to be found at the quantitative qualities of fishes too. At the higher developed animals can't be caracterized at lot of times the developmental line with one equation, because at that time the evolution is periodical and each period has got a different equation. The purpose of ray work is to examine the quantitative qualities of Rhodeus serioeus amaru s BLOCH, so that with how much speed are changing in any measurements, and how contribute to the form changes during the evolution. Prom the mentioned species I examined 220 specimen from the living place of Karapanc3a of South Danube. The examination is made by allometrical method with the help of: y a b . x a main form and by the logarithm of this: log y a log b + a . log x This is an equation of parabola transformed to line. In this place I must say all my thanks to EVA VANGER, who gave all her help for ordering the static value rows. Calculating the „a" exponent and the „b" coefficient we get the allometrical equation of examined measurements, by what we are able to calculate any nx" and „y" and the numerus logarithm of these gave the real values.