O. G. Dely szerk.: Vertebrata Hungarica 4/1-2. (Budapest, 1962)

Tusnádi, Gy.: The allometrical research of quantitative qualities of Rhodeus sericeus amarus (Bloch) 1-11. o.

During ray research I compared some quantitative qua­lities to body-length, to body weight, and to cubic c»pac" v of body. These facts are made known in follows. Measurements comapared to longitudo corpori s" 1" Latitudo corpori s. This expresses the biggest widtft of body. To the relation of body-length and the biggest width I observed a = 1,0967 allometrical exponent. This exponent shall be appreciable as a regression coefficient, so the one unit growth of the logarithm of body-length call forth the logarithm of biggest width by the change of 1,0967. Appreciated in percent, the biggest width changes quicker by 9,67 % compared to body lenght . Altltudo corpori s. This measurement expresses the greatest height of the fish. The allometrical exponent of biggest height compared to body lenght a = 1,4833. If we take the growth of body length as 100 % then the body height of the examined species changes quicker with 48,33 > speed during the evolution, than the length of body. Ascertainable that too,so in this relation the body height changea quicker with 38,66 % speed, than the biggest width. This difference of speed in necessary, but the examined species so shapes during the evolution the laterally flattened forms, and so that, which has got a high back. The weight of body, and cubic capacity of bod y. To the weight change of body compared to body lenght I got a = » 3,5250, to the change of cubic capacity of body a = 3,7833 allometrical exponent.The change of body weight contains all the results of the effects of exterior and internal factors. I took this measurements from the tip of nose of fish, till the last scale of body. This is the generally accepted measurement in the literature »which is commonly used for the linear measurements. The linear measurements are, special y these are revealing to the growth of length at fishes.

