O. G. Dely szerk.: Vertebrata Hungarica 4/1-2. (Budapest, 1962)
Tusnádi, Gy.: The allometrical research of quantitative qualities of Rhodeus sericeus amarus (Bloch) 1-11. o.
VERTEBRATA H U N G A R I C A M USE I HlSTORICO - NATURÁLIS HUNGARlCl Tom. IV. 1962 Fase. 1-2. The allometrical research of quantitative qualities of Rhodeus sericeus amarus (Bloch) By Gy. Tusnádi Zoological Deportment of Academy of Agriculture, Keszthely Well known, that during the ontogenetical evolution of animals the quantitative qualities are always changing. During the evolution these changes have an effect of the development of forms, because the different sizes, and quantitative qualities changes with different speed. Strange situation happen for fishes, because the fishes during their life are always growing so the intercourse of quantitative qualities to each other constantly changes. In a word,at the fishes uncommonly difficult to give an index number on the basis of their measurements, because the fishes grow in fully developed age too. Por getting an inside view of complicated process of changing forms of species, we can't be satisfied with the fixing of simple avarages of populations s because in this case we get a static face, wich most of time does'nt give satisfactory answer to the question . For the observer mostly must accompany till the end the morphogenesis to get the dinamical face of changes in forms,. The two examination of research can be maintained to each other* than a photographic picture to a motion picture B In view of that the life always in change and the quantitative