Verhovayak Lapja, 1941. július-december (24. évfolyam, 27-52. szám)

1941-08-14 / 33. szám

Page 10 .Verhovayak Lapja August 14, 1941 LADIES’ PAGE Conducted by m BETTY CAROL BALEGA Appeal, Beauty and Charm By BETTY CAROL BALEGA (The third in the series of articles containing gift sugges­tions for the summer host and hostess.) Today, when the mercury soars up into the high nineties, and heat waves are encountered on every street and avenue, today ... perhaps more than at any other time, do we appreciate the friend who takes pity and whisks us out to the seashore cottage, lakeside home or cabin in the woods. Behold the general exodus from the sweltering heat of town, for relief from tasks and over­heating work! For the thoughtful host and hostess, Shulton sug­gests the following “thank you for a lovely time” gifts... all as thoroughly American as the sign­ing of the Declaration of Inde­pendence! First there is the Old Spice Post Box, filled with spicy toiletries, Perfect for any hostess! Among the contents you will find a sachet which bears the inscription, “Re­member me when far away,” a Dottle of toilet water, toilet soap and guest talcum. The Homestead Box contains a large bottle of toilet water and large container of dusting pow­der, both in the inimitable Old Spice fragrance. The Box is cleverly done with pictures of piquant colonial ladies from New England.' For a feeling of luxury un surpassed, why not give your hostess a rememberance like the Plantation Box? The romantic scent of garden flowers captures the moonlight-and-laee loveli­ness of the Southern belles. This box also contains toilet water and dusting powder. Then there is the Vanity Box, quite a sumptuous affair for that “extra special” hostess! In its depths one finds toilet water, dusting powder, four cakes of soap, one tube bath salts and two sachet tablets. Topping even the Vanity Box is Shulton’s Sewing Box! The box contains toilet water, dust ing powder, six cakes of soap, two tubes of bath salts, and two sachet tablets. Truly a gift fit for a queen! The beauty part of all these gift boxes assembled by Shulton is the fact that, after the con tents, have been “used to the last drop,” the boxes themselves make dandy containers for milady’s jewelry, hankies, buttons, sta­tionery, or what have you! For a less expensive gift, and a breath of Spring gaiety, Shul­ton packages its famous Old Spice and Friendship’s Garden toilet water in a charming gift box ... and adds a bright atomizer to spray you with fragrance from top to toe! The atomizer on the Old Spice bottle is red, and on the Friendship’s Garden a pastel pink. There is so much to write about this time that I’m in quite a quandary as to where to start! First of all, your editor has had her head in the clouds, literally speaking, for over a month! Yes, at long last I have developed a very definite passion for flying .. and believe you me, it’s more fun than anything else today! Friends of mine have their own plane . .. quite an ideal couple, both flying fiends... he is test pilot for the Piper Aircraft Cor­poration ... that concern manu­factures those adorable little Cubs ... Yes, Pat and Frank Gibson are two of the nicest people ever! Before anything else ... orchids to Albert Jozik for his excellent taste in ladies’ gifts! As a re­sult of his trip out to the coast, yours truly is sporting a satin handkerchief container from Cliff House, a bottle of exquisite Orange Blossom perfume from Los Angeles, and a most adorable compact and cigarette case set done in natural wood with the map of Hollywood on the top. v from, you’ve guessed it, Holly­wood! Many and most sincere thanks, A. J. . .. and I do mean it! Played in a tennis tournament at Lock Haven, Pa. recently ... saw some very cute sports out­fits ... one in particular caught my eye ... white, to be sure, but the lines were anything but the But now for “mine host”... a thought or two! First, we have a luxurious chest holding brushless or leather shave cream, after shave lotion and men’s talc, all refreshingly scented with Old Spice. This Early American Shave Set is attractively packaged in a box containing clipper ships drifting over its wood-veneered surfaces. When empty the chest will hold typical masculine gadgets that usually clutter the top of his dresser or top drawer! Again a less expensive note is rung with Shulton’s new shav­ing creams, one a brushless type, the other a lather cream, pack­aged in utility tubes and simply decorated with early American trading ships. Here is a practical gift for the man of the house, and one which is all done up in a wood-veneered box, too. The brushless cream comes in a blue tube, the lather cream in red. During these days of interna­tional strife and the “America First” eampaign, I can really think of no better all-around re­presentative in the perfume line than Shulton! These suggestions from your editor are but a few of their many presentations, everyone... All American! conventional tennis lines .,. rather frilly instead of severe cut. In case you’re interested, gals, the coming silhouette for fall will take the shape of an inverted triangle! Those huge, puffy and padded shoulders are definitely out! The natural shoulder line is the thing! Had a guest from South Amer­ica visiting me last week ... quite handsome and an excellent equ­estrian ... horseback riding last Sunday... the only thing I don’t tike about these summer vacations is the fact that they don’t last long enough! Now is the time for all you ladies to begin thinking about a new fur coat for winter ... then as soon as you are finished thinking about it, see what you can do about having hubby pay for it! The new styles that I reviewed are simply too luxurious for words! Fur capes will be de­finitely in for the coming winter .. new forty-two inch length ... to be worn either night or day .. preferably of marten-dyed skunk. Perhaps one of the newest sil­houettes in furs is the Mandarin silhouette... lovely in seal skin! The coat that I am very par­tial to, though, is a flattering three-quarter length pale blonde Polar wolf ... rounded shoulders and sleeves that taper at the wrists... rather a long-haired affair, and just the thing for in­formal wear. In furs you have the selection of Broadtail, Nutria, Persian Lamb, Mink, and just oodles of others ... wish I could buy them üké I used to buy my stockings .. by the dozens! Even that is changed now ... but, really, no matter how bad this war situa­tion becomes, I hope we will never have to go back to “wool­­ies” ... my skin is allergic to any­thing but the best of silk! Your editor is chairman of a committee taking charge of a bathing beauty contest for the benefit of the USO ... would any of you gallant, young gentlemen kindly step up and assume the position of judge? ... I need three of them, and all the local swains seem to be a bit leery of the job! They’d love it, yom understand .. but, oh, if they didn’t pick the right gal! Before bringing this column to an early close there is one more bit of news to disclose ... I was presented with the Norwegian Coat of Arms recently... and maybe I’m not proud of it! Cheerio for now... and to all you fliers, stay on the beam!--------------O-------------­Swedish chemists have devel­oped an arsenic compound for im­pregnating timber to make it proof against rot and insect attacks that colors the wood so painting is not necessary. With the importance of vita­mins being brought more forcibly into the foreground every day, your Aunt Mary thought it soon time that she gave you a general idea as to which foods contain what vitamins... or something! Perhaps the best way to get your vitamins is in their natural state, in other words, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Following is a list of the most common fruits and vegetables and their vitamin content. Vegetables Vitamins Potatoes _____________B C Lettuce ______________A BCG Onions ______________C Cabbage _____________B C G Cauliflower __________B C Asparagus ________Z.-A BCG Celery _______________C Tomatoes ____________A B C Carrots ______________A C Stringbeans __________A BCG Peas -------------------------A BCG Fruits and Melons Vitamins Oranges ________________B C Apples _________________C Bananas_________________A C G Grapefruit______________B C Rhubarb _______________C Lemons ________________C Strawberries____________C Pineapples______________C Cantaloupes ____________A C There now, that chart should show you which are the rich vitamin foods and which aren’t. After all, a well balanced meal is everything, and three well balanced meals a day may mean the difference of having sturdy, healthy youngsters, or children whose resistance is continually low, subjecting them to allergies of all kipd. But now to the recipes for to­day! Since we are in the midst of the corn season ... (and I do mean the stuff that comes on cobs and not over the radio) ... how ’bout trying Creole Corn ... quite some dish ... 1 medium onion 1 mangoe Aunt Mary's Column GADABOUTS

