Verhovayak Lapja, 1941. július-december (24. évfolyam, 27-52. szám)

1941-08-14 / 33. szám

August 14, 1941 Fage 11 LADIES* PAGE Continued 3 Tablespoons butter 1 medium can tomatoes 1 Tablespoon sugar % teaspoon salt % teaspoon pepper 2 cups corn which has been cooked and removed from cob. Cook chopped onion and man­­foe in butter for a few minutes. Add tomatoes, sugar, salt and pepper. Simmer until most of the liquid has been evaporated. Add eorn, heat thoroughly. Serves five to six. A bit on the rich side, this Hungarian pastry called Perec . .. I warn you not to try them if you happen to be trying to lose a few pounds! It’s quite a large recipe, and for smaller amounts should be decreased accordingly. 2 lbs. flour 1 lb. Spry (or other vegetable shortening) 10 eggs ' % lemon’s juice % lb. butter % cup sugar rind of one lernon (grated) % cup chopped nuts Work together the floor, butter and Spry. When mixed thorough­ly add eggs and the other ingre­dients. Kneed dough well. Roil, cut in round shapes, make small holes in center. Top with chopped nuts mixed with sugar. Bake. For a very refreshing and cool­ing drink, your Aunt Mary sug­gests adding a few mint leaves to an ordinary glass of lime-ade It peps you up in nothing flat! For a delicious dish of Choc­olate Marshmallow Ice Cream try the following recipe ... % cup chocolate syrup 1 cup cold milk 12 marshmallows 1 cup whipping cream 1 teaspoon vanilla teaspoon salt Heat milk and marshmallows In top of double boiler until marshmallows are dissolved, cool in refrigerator. Mix into 1 cup whipping cream already beaten, and fold into % cup chocolate sjrup. Add vanilla and salt. Place in freezing tray, in electric re­frigerator. Stir three or four times while freezing. Well, that will be all for this time, friends, and now your Aunt Mary has decided to crawl off into some cool spot in the mountains until it’s time for the next issue to come out! ’Bye now! —AUNT MARY.--------------O-------------­EARLY AMERICAN and Modern Themes are Combined In Summer Home of Helena Rubinstein “You are cordially invited to spend the week-end with me at my country horng in Greenwich, Connecticut”, signed, Helena Ru­binstein. Breathes there a woman with soul so dead that she would not regard this invitation as the opportunity of a lifetime to ob­serve how a famous beauty autho­rity applies her sense of beauty to the decoration of her home! Indeed every woman who is lucky enough to be a guest at the newly decorated home of Helena Rubinstein finds herself in a wonderland of decorative schemes and comes away full of new and exciting ideas for creat­ing original decorative back­grounds in her own home. A Striking feature of Madame Rubinstein’s country home is the skillful blending of modern motifs with Early American accents. Both the informal dining room and the pink formal dining room combine modern furniture with Early American glassware. In the informal dining-room the furniture is zebra-striped pine and the chairs are upholstered in hand-woven chartreuse material. On the shelves is Madame Ru­binstein’s magnificent collection of light blue opaline and bristoi ware. An amusing decorative note in this room is provided by the decoy ducks which peep out of decorative plants in the bay window while crow and dove decoyi hang from the bay win­dow ceiling and flutter in the slightest breeze. The\formal pink dining room* furnished entirely in lucite, boasts the largest lucite table yet de­signed. Sailor knots tie the legs to the bottom ring and all the parts are fitted together without screws. A single sheet of lucite ending in a scroll top forms the back of the chair, molded over the lucite rods which are a con­tinuation of the leg. Legs of the chair are attached to the ring with the sailor’s knots and a rose engraving constitutes the single ornament on those chairs. In the lucite mirror-backed cabinet is Madame Rubinstein’s superb col­lection of pink Early American satin and opaline glassware. Óné of the most original rooms in the house is Madame Rubin­stein’s bedroom on the second floor. In this room, the walls and ceiling are pink, the curtains pink with green, yellow and white flowers. Showpiece of the room is a magnificent lucite bed, through which fluorescent lights hidden in the base send out light which falls directly from the scal­loped edge of the lucite head on the book or paper being read in bed. Near the bed stands a unique bedside table fashioned of an eighteenth century baroque angol with a sheet of lucite, rolled at the edge for the table top. The surroundings of the house are as striking as the interiors. Two old carousel horses stand on guard at the entrance and at the doorway is an old gilt cigar store Indian as well as speci­mens of old Mexican pottery and a pair of South American silver shoes filled with flowers. One charming garden setting was built around the peasant theme with a round table painted in a St. George-and-the-Dragon motif with chairs and a bench to match and two old peasant barrels on either side.--------------O-------------­BRANCH 361 NOTICE Cleveland, Ohio The regular monthly meeting of Branch 361 is held the FIRST monday of every month at the Verho­­vay Hall, 8637 Buckeye Rd., beginning at 8:00 P. M. Please be present at all the meetings, as this is im­portant to the progress and welfare of the branch. Fraternally, Mrs. GABRIEL SONKOLY Publicity Agent. Verhovay ak Lapja. AUGUST 17TH, SUNDAY. — Cle­veland, Ohio. — 55th Anniver­sary Verhovay Day at Puritan Springs Park. AUGUST 24TH, SUNDAY. — Det­roit, Michigan. — 55th Anniver­sary Verhovay Day at Molnár farm. AUGUST 31 ST, SUNDAY. — Weirton, West Virginia. — Joint Magyar Day to be held at Chest­nut Woods Park by Branch 349 and the Women’s Club. AUGUST 31ST, SUNDAY. — Gary, West Virginia. — Joint Verhovay outing and Miners Day to be held at the Sports­men Club's place.--------------o--------------Lovable Love Lyrics By JOE VARGO Middlefield, Ohio Member of Branch 248, Monaville, West Virginia CHEAPER TO DIE, EH? A live man pays 25 cents for a shave; a dead man $5 to $10. A woolen overcoat costs $35 to $50; a wooden one $250 plus. A taxi trip to the theatre and back costs $2; a hearse ride to the cemetery costs $10 to $25. The good wife will lecture about your bad points for nix; the preacher expects $15 or more to lecture about your fine points. So stay alive and save money; unless you have sufficient life insurance to afford the luxury of dying.--------------O-------------­Using two adjustable abrasive wheels to its work, a motor driv­en tool has been invented to cut groves in plaster ceilings and walls for the insertion of elec­trical conduit. THERE’S NOTHING NEW TO SAY Love will just be love, no matter how you flay it, Love is always love, no matter how you say it! All alone, deep in a dream, thinking of you_ all this has been said before. There’s really nothing new to say. I’ll be frank, my mind is blank for something new to say, So I’ll capitulate, and relate in the good old fashioned way! I love you, dearest divine, wonderful you_ all this has been said before. There’s really nothing new to say. Everything has been said and done under the sun and stars above, So there’s really nothing new to us except that good old fashioned lovel * * * AFTER ALL THESE YEARS How time does seem to fly, How many moons have passed, And the years just slip by Since we’ve met, just you and II You’re the same sweet you That you used to be, And I still remember Sweet days that used to be. Our romance is still In full bloom, you know, And it had to be you To make it so! My heart’s still got that fire, for you alone, You’re still my one desire, all my own. You kept the love light burning, so true, You kept my heart yearning, just for you! And so I’m grateful to you, I’d be lost without you, If it hadn’t been for you, After all these years! NOTICE, VERHOVAY SPORTSMEN Summer is almost half over and no reports have been coming in on the season’s sports—baseball, softball, etc. Why? Give your Sport Page the benefit of publicizing ALL your sports activities. ATTENTION, SECRETARIES OF NEW YORK, NEW JERSEY AND EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA ARTHRITIS of relief from terrible Arthri­tis aches or pains. The NEW Colloidal Iodized Sulphur capsules called SULPHO-KAPS often bring wel­come relief in Arthritis due to Sulphur de­ficiency. Small daily cost. Mon­ey back if no relief after 30 days' dosage. Begin taking TODAY. YourDruggisthasSULPH04KAPS As League secretary, it is a pleasure lor me to an­nounce that the first season of the Verhovay Tri-Stati Bowling League, 1940-41, was an outstanding success. For the coming season we want to make the League even better and bigger, and this can be done ONLY by securing all the bowlers possible at your branch. Therefore, I urge you to fill out the application below; and mail to me not later than August 31, 1941, post« marked. ENTRY BLANK Name - City _ Branch State Fraternally, 1. VAUGHT League Secretary «245 — 31 Street Astoria I* I* K. X.

