Verhovayak Lapja, 1941. január-június (24. évfolyam, 1-26. szám)

1941-06-12 / 24. szám

June 12, 1941 Page t Verhovayak Lapja LADIES' PAGE Continued for one hour to mellow. Fold in whipped cream, pour into electric refrigerator trays and freeze. Good? That’s not the word for it... it’s yummy! For a very savory Avocado Cocktail try this recipe. 1 avocado % cup dieted grapefruit % cup French dressing % cup diced orange 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Pimento Be sure the orange and grape­fruit are entirely clear of inner skin and connecting tissue. Marin­ate with the French dressing to which the Worcestershire sauce has been added, and use to fill the two halves of the avocado which Iras been split and stone removed. Garnish with pimento. Serves two. As your Aunt Mary decided not to give you a single recipe today that would call for mothers standing in hot kitchens, what do you think of this idea for a grand sandwich spread that really hits the spot? Run cold left-over ham through meat grinder, (or you can buy some of your favor­ite cold meat and use it as easily), and to the meat add enough mayonnaise, chopped olives and sweet pickles to make « thick paste. Spread either on white or dark bread and serve with iced tea. For a bit of a change from the regular types of cake, try toast­ing thin slices of any kind ot Pound Cake—minus frosting, of course-—and spread lightly with butter. It makes a grand between­­meals snack for the youngsters, too. Have you ever tried Frozen Apricots, friends? Delicious, *nd so easy to make ... 2 cups sugar 4 cups water 1 can apricots (or equivalent If fresh fruit is used) 1 pint whipped cream Boil the sugar and water to­gether for ten minutes. Cool then add apricots, cut small and freeze in refrigerator trays until mix­ture gets mushy. Add the whipped cream and . continue to freeze until firm. LIFE IN THE ROAR fyKANE I DOWt CAD£. HOW COUW P6JZM6C. '8' CM CHUGt IN TU BEE WOOB.S." .«Mt SONG OF THE DEAD SOLDIER Weep not for me, mother dear, For I am sailing to the unknown shore. Remember me not with grief and tear, But of the memories of the days of yore. When as a child I slumbered to rest, To the tune of your old lullaby. And the rocker rocked, and so your breast, As I dreamed of the heavenly sky. And into manhood so soon I grew, No longer was I your little boy. I discarded my top—the lil’ hoy blue, Which once was my sweetest joy. When my nation bade me in turmoil, I answered her patriotic cry. A soldier, I sailed to foreign soil, To fight, to fight, and finally, die. To die upon the thick black sod, In the scintillance of that starry night. Fairwell, I bid to the world in that clod, And with pain, I died in the moonlight. Today, alas, I drift upon the unknown sea, No sail have I, nor is there wind or air. Soon I shall land upon the unknown lea, But now, I sail, unknown, bodyless, bare. But now your Aunt Mary has, »s they say you always should, saved the best “cooler-offer” until last! A toast to the Southland, ladies and gentlemen, with nothing less than their own Mint Julep. Are you ready, suh and m’am? Here you are, then, direct from Dixie. Dissolve IV2 teaspoons of pow­dered sugar in a few teaspoons of water. Add 4 sprigs of mint and bruise but do not crush com­pletely. Fill glass with crushed ice, then pour in as much Bour­bon as it will take. Stir until frosted. Garnish with two or three sprigs of mint as decoration. Serve in 14 ounce glass. There now, if that doesn’t help cool you off, your old Auntie misses her guess! And here’s hoping you have an exhilarating —and not an enervating—summer! —AUNT MARY. United we stand; Divided we fall Hungarians should be VERHOVAYS ALL! —ROBERT SIGMUND. YOU MAY NEVER FIND A POT OF GOLD — BUT VERHOVAY LIFE INSURANCE IS THE BEST PROTECTION SOLD!-AN URGENT MESSAGE-to women who suffer FEMALE WEAKNESS Few women today are free from some sign of functional trouble. Maybe you’ve noticed YOURSELF getting restless, moody, ner­vous, depressed lately—your work too much for you — Then why not take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound to help quiet weary, hysterical nerves, relieve monthly pain (cramps, backache, headache) and weak dizzy fainting spells due to functional ir­regularities. For over 60 years Pinkham’s Compound has helped hundreds of thousands of weak run-down, nervous “ailing” women to go smiling thru "difficult days.” Why not give this wonderful "woman’# friend” « chance to help YOU? Try itl Lovable Love Lyrics 0 LOVE. PLEASE COME MY WAY I’ve done my best to interest a little man named Dan Cupid. But he’s very shy; will he pass me by? 1 can’t believe he’s so stupid! I’m blue and I'm lonesome, I don't know what to say. Tired of being on my ownsome, I want to be happy and gay! I want to feel the real thrill of a hug and a kiss, I just can’t conceal sweet loving thoughts like this! Just as sure as the stars above that shine in the sky, Everybody falls in love. So why can’t I? I say! O love, please come my way! (Use in whole or part forbidden.) DREAMING OF YOU In my dreams as the clouds drift by, we ride the moon across the sky. And we tell the stars that shine, that this is just a dream of mine! We are together; just we two, in my sweet dreams of you. Of all the things I seem to hear, your sweet voice rings in my ear! You seem to be so gayly dressed, hidden away in a lover’s nest. And we’re together, just we two, in my sweet dreams of you! They make my heart feel confidence, my love keeps growing more intense. I get happiness I never knew, in my sweet dreams of lovely you! (Use in whole or part forbidden.) ft Members! GET READY for the time of your lives! FOUR BIG VERHOVAY DAYS TO BE HELD by the Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit and New York Contest Districts COMMEMORATING OUR 55TH ANNIVERSARY IN CHICAGO: June 22d at Frank’s Grove IN NEW YORK: July 4th at Kane's Park IN CLEVELAND: August 17th at Puritan Springs Park IN DETROIT: August 24th at Molnár Farm DON’T MISS THEM!!

