Kocsis Irma: A tour of our Locals. (A very quick one) - Our Budapest (Budapest, 1993)

Majakovszkij Eszpresszó Mayakovsky Espresso VII. Király utca 103 The last place still celebrating the poet in Király utca, where everyone and everything has become King or Queen. (Queen Beer-House, Ice Queen Espresso, etc.) If you really want to understand the place, the first thing to do is pay a visit to the stationer’s next door. Take a look at the teenage ninja mutant turtles, the transformers, the violet plastic monsters, the magic pencil-cases, the whole plastic world, in short, then fling open the door of the Maya with an abrupt gesture. Everything will fall into place all by itself. The charm of permanence. Kis Kacsa Vendéglő Little Duck Restaurant VII. Dob utca 26 A simple ale-house on the corner of Kazinczy utca that has for many years been spared by the winds of change. In the summer they open one of the doors opening into Dob utca and put out a table. It is a moment 1 look forward to with impatience. It is as sure a sign of sum­mer as the first sighting of the old chess-players in the Horváth-gardens is of spring. A yet smaller duck apper­tains to the Little Duck, this opens onto Kazinczy utca and is a cosy little tap-room with a couple of tables. Opposite is the aluminium-frame porch of the ballet- school. The great panes of glass have been painted over, but there are holes scratched in the paint from the inside through which you can peep in. Wichmann Kocsma (Szent Jupát Étterem) WiCHMANN Pub (Szent Jupát Restaurant) VII. Kazinczy utca 55 One of the very best pubs in Pest is to be found at the Király utca end of Kazinczy utca, in a two-storey ghost house that once served as the headquarters of the Theosophical Society. The owner, a canoe champion many times over, is never absent; his gentle German shepherds are likely 32

