Matits Ferenc: Protestant Churches - Our Budapest (Budapest, 2003)

■ Church interior the church would be financed by the congregation from funds raised so far. Samu Pecz, professor of the University of Technology, was commissioned with designing the building. Design No. 1 would have had the church front on Aka­démia utca. Design No. 11, the one actually realised, placed the building on the Nagy Ignác (earlier Koháry) utca side of the 2400-square-yard plot. The church, ornamented with stained-glass and rosette windows, was put on the second floor of the building, whose fayade has a brick covering with patches of stone from Piszke and Sóskút. This is how Pecz himself explained the reason for that: "... it would not have been feasible to make a comparatively imall church with a four-itorey high front ad it wai also hardly poaible to put rented apartmenu above a church iituated on the ground floor. ” The single­nave church is terminated in an octagon where light pouring in through five windows ending in a Gothic arch illuminates the sacrificial table and the pulpit. The organ loft was built at the other end of the nave, by the street-side front. 69

