Fraternity-Testvériség, 2004 (82. évfolyam, 2-4. szám)
2004-04-01 / 2. szám
FRATERNITY TESTVÉRISÉG BETHLEN HOME ISSN-0744-592X Rev. Imre A. Bertalan, Executive Director Official Publication of 125 Kalassay Drive, Ligonier, PA. 15658 The Hungarian Reformed Federation of America Tel: (724) 238-6711- Fax: (724) 238-3175 Published Quarterly E-Mail: Page 2 Fraternity- Testvériség Office of Publication: 2001 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC. 20036-1011 Tel: (202)328-2630 or 1-888-KOSSUTH (567-7884) Fax: (202) 328-7984 E-Mail: HRFA@ Website: Periodicals Postage Paid at Washington, DC Postmaster: Send Address Changes to: Fraternity- Testvériség 2001 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington DC. 20036-1011 EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Rt. Rev. Stefan M. Török, Editor-in Chief Mr. Leslie László Megyeri, Editor Noemi Heilman, Managing Editor PLEASE NOTE OUR E-MAIL ADDRESSES: HRFA Home Office President/CEO Secretary to the President Secretary-T reasurer/CFO Treasury Department Claims/Underwriting Pre-Need Department Kossuth Social Club We welcome mail from our readers. Letters should be sent with writer’s name and address to: Fraternity- Testvériség, 2001 Massachusetts Avenue, NW., Washington, £>C 20036-1011 Any correspondence printed may be edited for clarity ana length. IN THIS ISSUE BOARD OF DIRECTORS George Dózsa, Chairman of the Board John K. Morey, Vice-Chair Rev. Leslie E. Martin, Vice-Chair Clara Csikesz Fred Erdei Joseph Fabri László Hamos Priscilla Hunyady Joseph Kovács Tibor Nagy William A. Nicholas Michael Pauli, Jr. NATIONAL OFFICERS Rt. Rev. Stefan M. Török, President/CEO Mr. Leslie László Megyeri, Secretary-Treasurer/CFO CONSULTANTS MP Francis & Co., CPA John D. Ballard, Actuary Dr. Katalin S. Korossy, Medical Advisor Cover Page: Spring Board Meeting 1 Official Publication Information 2 From the President/CEO’s Office 3 Introducing Mr. Leslie László Megyeri 4 Introducing New Office Staff Personnel 4 Mr. Dózsa and Fr. Mustos Honored 5 Bethlen Home Construction in Progress 5 Indiana, Illinois District Meeting 6 New Jersey, New York .Connecticut District Meeting 6 Ohio District Meeting 7 Pennsylvania District Meeting 8 March 15th Celebration 11 Why Would Anyone Prearrange a Funeral? 12 Day-Tripping in D.C. 13 Branch News 16 Welcome to New Members 17 Student Aid Recipients 18 New Members List 20 Special thanks and appreciation to Mrs. Kathy Megyeri and Mrs. Cynthia Torok for their contributions toward the publication of this issue of Fraternity.