Fraternity-Testvériség, 2004 (82. évfolyam, 2-4. szám)

2004-04-01 / 2. szám

Page 3 Fraternity- Testvériség President’s Corner: The 37th Quadrennial Convention of The HRFA and Cornerstone Dedication of the New Bethlen Home Each Convention is an important mile­stone in the history of the Hungarian Re­formed Federation. Every 4 (four) years, the leaders and dele­gates gather to give thanks to God and remember our forefa­thers who made it possible for this or­ganization to come into existence and flourish through the years. We pause again at this coming Convention to evaluate our accomplishments and see our shortcomings in order to better serve the greater American- Hungarian community. This year will be no different. Four years ago when we met in Toledo, OH., the HRFA set a new pattern of organ­izational leadership. The number of National Officers was reduced from 3 (three) to 2 (two): namely President (CEO) and Secretary-Treasurer (CFO). New By-Laws were adopted by which the officers of the organization would be elected by the Board of Directors instead of the Convention for a specific period of time and would serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors. Changes also occurred within the Board of Directors as well. The Board elected a Chairman and 2 (two) Vice-Chairmen to carry out the mandate of the Convention. Board Membership was also restructured. While in former times, members of the Board represented their distinct areas, at-large members were added to open up the Board to more representation. Also changes were made for greater representation of our branches. The number of voting membership to elect a delegate to the Convention was reduced from 250 to 225. With these changes in mind, in 2004, we return to our roots to hold our Convention again in the shadows of the Bethlen Home and on the foundations under which the organization was chartered, namely to care for the sick, the orphans, the elderly, the widows, and to guide and help the Hungarian Christian Communities in their en­deavors to hold onto their ethnic background and further the visibility of community in the American-Hungarian experience. Throughout the years, the Federation has been instrumental in emphasizing our Hungarian ecu­menical character. I am also very happy that during the Convention all of us can partake in the cornerstone dedi­cation of the New Bethlen Home. As I indicated in the pre­vious issue of Fraternity-Testvériség, Ligonier, through­out the years, has been the only place where we have put aside our political and religious differences and were united in our service to the greater good of the whole Hungarian-American community as well as the commu­nity around the Ligonier valley. As President of the Hungarian Reformed Federation of America, I joyfully extend a warm welcome to all our elected delegates to the 37th Quadrennial Convention and, at the same time, express the sincere appreciation of the entire Board of Directors to our Branch Managers and Branch Officers for the work they have done in supporting the directives of our By-Laws in the election of the dele­gates. The Federation has been, and still remains to be, a Fra­ternal Life Insurance Society, where member participation is the lifeblood of this organization. Sincerely, Rev. Stefan M. Török. President/CEO Convention Information Opening of the Convention: September 20, 2004 Four Points Sheraton Greensburg, PA. Opening Church Service: Cornerstone Dedication of the New Bethlen Home September 20, 2004 Bethlen Home Chapel 11:00 a.m. Date of the Convention: Beginning Monday, September 20, 2004 Ending Wednesday or Thursday, September 21-22, 2004 Reorganization of the New Board of Directors September 22 or 23, 2004 Held at: Four Points Sheraton 100 Sheraton Drive, Route 30 East Greensburg, PA. 15601-9383 Tel: (724)836-6060 Fax: (724)834-5640 All elected delegates, please call us for confirmation of your rooms. Also, please remember to send us a most recent photo to be placed in the next issue of Fraternity when we display names and pictures of delegates for the 37th Quadrennial Convention.

