Fraternity-Testvériség, 1979 (57. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)

1979-01-01 / 1. szám

From the OFFICE of the SECRETARY Now is the time to pause and reflect. Pause as we enter into the second quarter of this new year and reflect upon our past accomplishments or our short­comings. Each of us have responsibilities to ourselves and our employers regardless of our station in life. Our main purpose in life is to strive to live a good moral and Christian life. Being of service to those in less fortunate circumstances will help exem­plify our life and purpose here on earth. Let us all work towards having good overcome evil. We all work hard to provide for the well being of the family. Offering them the best in security and well being through our efforts in our various pro­fessions. We arc all aware and know what is expected of us in our chosen field of endeavor and look at the reflection in the mirror each morning. Only we can answer individually if the responsibilities assigned to us were fulfilled and we gave our all. If we did our best and failed, it is one thing. If we failed without ever trying, then our best efforts were not put forth and evil has overcome good. As we look in the mirror each morning at the reflection shown, we should give thanks to Almighty God. Thanks to our family for the love and under­standing they offer and make us want to continue in our service to our fellowman. Our Field Force meeting was held in Ligonier on February 17th and plans for 1979 were outlined. All of you members of our Federation Family are urged to help our Field Force in enrolling new mem­bers. The Federation plans of insurance are offered from birth to age 65. Is every member of your family a member? If not, may we suggest that you tell them and your friends the aims and purposes of our Federa­tion in offering Fraternal Life Insurance protection or savings through our endowment plans. Whatever their needs may be, we have something to offer. Please help them and us. During the past November the mortgage burning celebration was held for the Hungarian Reformed Church in McMKeesport, Pa. being served by Rev. Csaba Orosz. The Federation granted them a loan to enable them to build their beautiful sanctuary. With the dedication and cooperation of the congregation the loan repayment was made in a shorter period of time than required. Their obligations were fulfilled and they gave thanks on this joyous occasion. The Federation was represented by the President, Secre­tary, Directors: Rev. Tibor Dömötör, Rev. Louis Illés, Charles Nagy, Jr. and wife Ethel and District Man­ager, Joseph Molnár, Jr. and wife Agnes. The Ad­ministrator of the Bethlen Home, Rev. Paul Kovács and many other Clergy and friends rejoiced with the congregation. The Federation has extended the financial assis­tance to many of our Hungarian Reformed congre­gations in granting low interest mortgage loans. We now solicit and urge all of the members of our con­gregations that are not yet members, to join our Federation and support our many charitable, benevo­lent and fraternal works. The Pennsylvania Fraternal Congress, largest of our State Congresses held their meeting in Pittsburgh on November 12th thru 14th. The program presented was beneficial to all in attendance and kept us in­formed on the many changes facing our fraternal societies. Our best wishes are extended to the new President, Honorable Nicholas Cipriani, Judge, Court of Common Pleas, Philadelphia, Pa. who is associated with Italian Sons and Daughters of America. Our Bethlen Home is planning their annual bazaar on August 25, 1979. Additional details will be reported by the Administrator. Last year many of our branches took this on as a fraternal project. This helped make it a success with the many crafts, baked goods and hand sewn items. They are again request­ing help from our branches and members in sup­porting this project in any way possible. The two major activities that the branches con­tribute to are the Bethlen Home and the Student Aid and Loan Fund. Remember that In Memoriam dona­tions can be made to either of these projects. We are counting on you, so—LET’S REALIGN FOR ’79. — FRATERNALISM IS A FAMILY AFFAIR — LET US ALL PLAN FOR FINANCIAL SECURITY THROUGH LIFE INSURANCE COVERAGE WITH OUR FEDERATION! 7

