Fraternity-Testvériség, 1979 (57. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)
1979-01-01 / 1. szám
Whenever news is received of the passing of a good and faithful worker, our hearts are saddened. Being informed of the death of Brother Ernest Sala of Akron, Ohio on February 16, 1979 reflected this as we look back at the pleasant relationship we had with him. He and Mrs. Anna Sala toiled many hours in enrolling new members and promoting the true meaning of Fraternalisin through Branch 165. Brother Sala would always extend the hand of fellowship to all he would meet and it is especially known to the Akron membership, he was there in time of need also. He gave of himself unselfishly and lived a truly Christian life to the end. Though weakened in recent years by illness, he never gave up the fight. He and his devoted wife Anna were always together—doing good for their fellowman. This is not only a great loss to his widow, but it is equally shared with his Church, Federation and community. The services were held at Christ Reformed Church on Monday, February 19th and the Rt. Rev. Tibor Dömötör officiated. Our prayers are with his widow at this time of her greatest loss. We pray that God will grant her comfort and give her strength and wisdom to face the future. Brother Sala has left us but we will always cherish the memories he shared with us. May the blessing of Almighty God be with him as he receives his Eternal crown. (EEV) TWO DIFFERENT STUFFED PEPPER RECIPES Stuffed Pepper as written in Mrs. Beky’s Cook Book —- “My Mother’s Hungarian Cook Book"’ page 20. 12 Green peppers 1 lb. ground pork 1 medium onion, grated Yz cup rice Yi tsp. pepper Yz tsp. salt Wash peppers and cut off the top so you can remove the inside with a teaspoon. Rewash. In a pan, put 1 tbsp. shortening, 2 tbsp. flour and brown until light rosy in color. Then pour the cold tomato juice on it with the water. Place on heat and when it begins to boil, place the stuffed peppers in. How to stuff pepper: Mix the ground meat with the rice, onion, salt, pepper, egg and bacon. Cook for 1 hour until the meat and rice are tender. When ready to serve, you may pour sour cream on top. Mrs. George’s stuffed pepper recipe: 1 tbsp. shortening 1 qt. tomato juice 1 pt. water 1 egg 1 slice of bacon, diced Norman A. Stant, a retired supervisor of the Potomac Electric Power Company died on February 15, 1979 at his home in Washington, D.C. Stant was a third generation Washingtonian and worked for the electric company for 47 years before retiring in 1972. He was a tenor soloist in many area congregations and was a good standing member of the Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church. He served as an Elder, Deacon, and was a member of the Board of Trustees at the time of his death. He is survived by his wife, the former Elizabeth Komáromy and two sons, Kenneth W. and Norman L. Elizabeth Komáromy Stant worked for the HRFA for 16 years prior to her marriage. She represented the HRFA in Washington from 1934 until it was decided to move the home office from Toledo, Ohio to the Nation’s Capital, on January 1, 1936. Mav the memory of Norman A. Stant be blessed. (AG) 12 green peppers or more 2'/2 lbs. ground pork, beef and veal 1 large onion chopped 1 cup of rice 1 tbspn. paprika 1 tbspn. salt i/2 tsp. black pepper 1 can of tomato juice (1 qt.) 1 can of tomato soup 1 stick of margarine 1 egg 1 tbsp. sugar 3 tbsp. flour V2 pt. sour cream Melt y2 stick of margarine and saute onions until soft then add 1 tbsp. of paprika. Set aside. \\ ash and core peppers and set aside. W ash rice and add meat, sauteed onions, salt and pepper and egg. Mix well and stuff the peppers. Place stuffed peppers in a large pot, add tomato juice, tomato soup and enough water to cover. You will have some left over meat, make small meat balls and drop them in pot one by one. Melt other half of margarine, about 3 tbsp. of flour and make roux. Add roux to pot and let simmer about one hour until rice is done. Add sour cream slowly until gravy is smooth. Then add sugar to take away acid taste. 8