Fraternity-Testvériség, 1979 (57. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)
1979-01-01 / 1. szám
HRFA and Mr. Julius Bakos chief elder. The mortgage was given by the HRFA for a 15 year period and was paid in full by the congregation in less than six years. Congratulations! We are happy to greet Cheryl Beth Kelemen as a new member of Branch 149. She was transferred as a Junior student to the Ken- more West Senior High School. Her father is an officer in the local police force and her mother is a real estate agent. She is recommended for college scholarship as the most outstanding athlete in her class. She is the captain of the Varsity Volleyball team. She earned the honor of league all-star as one of the two best setters. She is also an exceptionally good soccer player. She played in the 1978 Western New York team. Her strongest sports are volleyball and soccer. Her brothers: John and Michael are also members of branch 149. On December 8, 1978 Branch 302 held a very successful dinner for our Student Aid and Loan Fund. The meeting of Branch 302 voted to send in $200.00 from the profit toward the Fund. The delicious “gourmet dinner” was prepared by Director George Dózsa and consisted of: Kolozsvári Layered Cabbage, Roast Beef, Dessert, Coffee and Tea. The officers of Branch 302, President László Lipoczky and his wife, Anna, Vice-President Viola Wyttenbach and her husband Jerry, Secretary-Treasurer Ida Bankó and Controller William Puskas, Jr. did all the other work to make the “gourmet dinner” a successful affair. There was a very short program in which Rev. Imre Bertalan director spoke about the merits of the Student Aid and Loan Fund. He also introduced all the guests. The following Section and Branch managers from New Jersey were also present: Joseph Tegze, John Szabó, Louis Medgyesi, Mrs. Susan Torok, Mrs. Helen Putnoky, Steve Vajda. Also the following ministers were present: Rev. Dr. Francis Vitéz, Rev. Stefan Torok, Rev. L. Hunyadi, Rev. August Molnár and Rev. Steven Kovács from Trenton. Also present was the Honorable Alex B. Eger legal counsellor of the HRFA. The following organizations sent representatives: William Penn, Hungarian American Athletic Club, Hungarian American Democratic Club and Our Lady of Hungary Sick and Death Benefit Society. It was a very good dinner and the officers unanimously voted to repeat this affair in 1979. 1979 officers of branch 352: Zsolt Domotorffy vice president, Theodore Takacs president, Kristina Szabadkai controller, Sándor Szabadkai secretary. In front: Eva Domotorffy, the daughter of the vice president. Christmas parties held at our Cleveland branches 2, 4 and 352.