Kolláth Anna (szerk.): A muravidéki kétnyelvű oktatás fél évszázada (Bielsko-Biala - Budapest - Kansas - Maribor - Praha, 2009)

2. Fejezet: A kétnyelvű oktatás Kárpát-medencei kontextusai - Vančoné Kremmer Ildikó: Megjegyzések a szlovákiai magyar nyelvű felsőoktatásról

Megjegyzések a szlovákiai magyar nyelvű felsőoktatásról skega jezika in književnosti pri izobraževanju učiteljev v svojih temeljih istovetno z izobraževanjem na Madžarskem, glavno težavo povzroča nerazvitost manjšinskega visokošolskega izobraževanja. Temu pripomore nepremišljena ali celo neobstoječa jezikovna politika glede učnega jezika. Posledično je razvoj uravnotežene visoke dvojezičnosti stvar prilike in posameznika. V kolikor bi želelo manjšinsko visoko­šolsko izobraževanje v čedalje ostrejšem tekmovanju, ki se izraža tudi na področju izobraževanja, obstati, bi si moralo, poleg zvišanja strokovnega nivoja, zastaviti za cilj, in si zanj tudi prizadevati, dvig dvojezičnih jezikovnih kompetenc. Comments on Hungarian language higher education in Slovakia In Slovakia the Hungarian language is present in higher education in several dif­ferent fields which are, however, to some extent interconnected. In my presentation I will discuss these differences and interconnections. In Slovakia the Hungarian language and literature are taught to native speakers of Hungarian, to non-native speakers of Hungarian and to native speakers who graduated from high schools with Slovak as the language of instruction, and, in addition, Hungarian is also used as the language of instruction in various higher education courses for native speakers. While the teaching of the Hungarian language and literature is approximately the same in the training of teachers in Slovakia as in Hungary, the main problems lie in the underdeveloped nature of minority higher education. In addition, policies regarding the language of instruction are not thought out well and completely lack some respects, which results in great difficulties for the development of high-level balanced bilingualism for individuals. For minority language higher education to be able to compete successfully in the ever sharpening competition in the higher educa­tion arena, the goals of supporting the development of bilingual competence in the students as well as increasing the professional quality it can provide have to be set. 283

