Kolláth Anna (szerk.): A muravidéki kétnyelvű oktatás fél évszázada (Bielsko-Biala - Budapest - Kansas - Maribor - Praha, 2009)

I. Fejezet: A Muravidék és kétnyelvű oktatása - Elizabeta Bernjak: Hipoteze o reformi dvojezičnega šolstva v Prekmurju

Hipoteze o reformi dvojezičnega šolstva v Prekmurju fel, főleg a kisebbségi nyelv mint anya- és környezetnyelv tanításának didaktikai megközelítése, valamint a kéttanynyelvű tantárgyak modelljének reformja, az alter­natív tankönyvek és a megfelelő kétnyelvű pedagógusok képzésének szempontjából. Reform thoughts about the bilingual schools in Prekmurju In the essay the author writes about the problematic nature of the bilingual school system in Prekmurje, which was the followed pattern for the people in majority and minority too in terms of education. There are a lot of defects in the realizations of the two-directed bilingual school model if we have a look at it from the point of view of the minority speakers and also the people in majority, whose second language is Hungarian. Even though the law ensures the equal status of the majority and minor­ity languages, the teaching of the two languages cannot be balanced in this system. The relation between the usage of the languages in teaching is 80-20%, where the language of the majority is stronger. The consequence of this relation is the lack of the terminology, which unfavorably influences the language of the minority. The author gives a frame of changing the system and in what way, using the points of view the methodology of teaching the minority language as the mother tongue and community language, of reforming the teaching of subjects which are taught in both languages and of the qualification process of bilingual teachers. 137

