Székely Nép, 2010 (46. évfolyam, 59-60. szám)

2010-03-01 / 59. szám

LIBERAL FASCISM IN HUNGARY YUSUFF KEMAL LIBERAL FASCISM is a negative worldwide government that is hiding behind the European Union and Hungary. In a medium sized country, like Hungary, communism has been replaced by a totalitarian social sys­tem, that has all the characteristic of both fascist and communist societies, while keeping up the appearance of a modem democracy. Originally Hungary was the number one econom­ical power among the Warsaw Pact countries. Now all former communist countries have surpassed it, courtesy of the liberal fascists. Hungary has been turned into a third world country. Since then most of the time the only news about Hungary are complaints in the leftist liberal media of the "re-emer­­gence of fascism" Descendants of the communist rulers of the 1950-89 era have joined forces with billionaires, the money Mafia, and criminal elements to create a liberal fascist political force. They are working in cahoots with the European Union. They came to power at the parliamentary elections in 2002 and formed a "government". They think in rigid communist terms. If you are poor, as the majority of the country, you are a fascist, Nazi, racist, a right winger etc. Hungary is also full of police informers, just like in commu­nist days. Hungarian liberal fascism pushed some poor excuses for humanity into the prime minister's chair. Peter Medgyesi (2002-2004) was a KBG agent. From 2004 to April 2009 the government head was prime minister Ferenc Gyurcsany, a Russian agent, a crazed communist dictator turned bil­lionaire. His successor, Gordon Bajnai (2009-) is known as the “goos trader”. He is a businessman. Thousands of people went broke who invested with him. But he became a billionaire. Throughout their leadership, they and their”govemment” represent foreign interests, and have no respect for the interests of Hungary or the Hungarians at home and abroad. The liberal party in Hungary, the SZDSZ (Alliance of Free Democrats) is the prototype of liberal fascism. In 2009 their popularity was around or under 1%. They and the MSZP (the Hungarian Socialist Party) make up the “coalition government”. All of their MP-s are former communists or the children of communists. During the nomination of Bajnai to the position of prime minister, the “coalition govern­ment” sang the Communist International anthem, on prime televi­sion. They showed their true colors. 22 politically correct foreign nationals own most of Hungary. They decide about the social, political, eco­nomic life of the people. Although they make enormous profits they do not pay taxes in Hungary, therefore the “government” is taxing the poor Hungarian to death to make up for what has been pocketed by the liberal fascists, and also for the hole in the treasury caused by big money's tax exemptions. The 'government's” tight­ening of the belt means that they are cutting support for health care, child support, pension, support for the poor, for big families, for schools, support for those who can least afford it. There is a reign of terror in the land. Many people in leadership posi­tions, who were known of their pop­ulist views, do not dare to show their true colors, just like in the days of communism. A SHORT SUMMERY OF THEIR ACHIEVEMENTS: News Embargo. 80% or more of the media in Hungary is in the liberal fascist hands, and they represent the “government line”. Their main politi­cal task is to represent he “government line”. Their main political task is to make the government look good, and demonise the country's opposition. In their campaign against Hungarians they call Hungarian national symbols, like historic flags, “Nazi” symbols. And they finance all this anti- Hungarian activity by selling off Hungary's national assets at bargain­­basement prices. PRIVATIZATION. By privatizing large parts of the Hungarian Railroads (MAV) and bus companies they isolate many villages, because the trains and buses do not stop in them any more. MALÉV, the Hungarian Airline was sold (priva­tized) to Russia. Due to their incompe­tent and criminal handling of the econ­omy, since 2002, the budget deficit has reached enormous proportions. Up to 2002 it was average. The liberal fas­cists borrowed large amounts of money in the name of Hungary from international banks and pocketed the money. Now they want the working people to pay for it, while they do their best to increase still further Hungary's national debt. They closed many schools in Budapest and in the countryside as well. They cut and lowered the subsi­dies for the remaining schools. Thousand of teachers and professors were fired. They are doing their darnedest to lower the quality of schooling everywhere in the country. They privatized health care. Fist they took away 40,000 hospital beds from the health care system and closed several dozen hospitals in spite of great popular resistance, and countless demonstrations. The government stopped financing dozens of hospitals, and sold the buildings, some of them several centuries old, and the sur­rounding lots, at low prices to foreign investors, so they can turn them into luxury-hotels. The Hungarians are too poor to bid in these sales. Hungarian salaries are artificially and on purpose Page 6

