Századok – 2016

2016 / 5. szám - KÖZIGAZGATÁS-TÖRTÉNETI MŰHELYTANULMÁNYOK - Cseh Géza: Szapáry Gyula és Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok vármegye kapcsolata

1322 CSEH GÉZA GYULA SZAPÁRY AND THE COUNTY OF JÁSZ-NAGYKUN-SZOLNOK by Géza Cseh Summary This short paper focusses on the relations between Gyula Szapáry and the region along the Tisza around Szolnok. Its primary aim is to enlighten the count’s role first in the public life of the preced­ing municipalities of Heves and Külsó'-Szolnok, then in the creation of the county of Jász-Nagykun- Szolnok and the choice of its capital, and finally in the economic development of the county and town of Szolnok. Szapáry is one of the most outstanding figures in the past of the county of Jász- Nagykun-Szolnok. After the Compromise he held various ministerial posts, and acted as prime minister for two and a half years. Among his administrational reform schemes the paper examines in detail the legislative proposal he handed in 1873, which included the territorial arrangement of the Jászkun districts and of the neighbouring counties. Thanks to his estates and parliamentary mandate, Szapáry maintained close contacts with the region of Szolnok throughout his life. Using his national posts and influence, he always tried to further the interests of the county of Jász- Nagykun-Szolnok, which was established in 1876. Since, however, the first measures against the labour movement were taken during his office as minister of home affairs, his memory was doomed to oblivion after World War II. It was only after the fall of Communism that his cult was revived, and his statue erected again on the bank of the Tisza river at Szolnok.

