Századok – 2015

2015 / 2. szám - KÖZLEMÉNYEK - Nemes Gábor: Magyarország kapcsolatai az Apostoli Szentszékkel (1523-1526)

506 NEMES GABOR Clerics travelled to Rome not only on pilgrimage, but also to find justice there, and there were others who wanted to study. The most famous Hungarian student of the time in Rome was Tamás Nádasdy, the would-be Palatine, who escorted Cardinal Vio during his legatine mission to Hungary as his interpreter in the summer of 1523. Still others were attracted to Rome by its vivid, humanist spiritual life: Girolamo Balbi moved here in 1524 and Georg von Logau gained recognition with his poetry amongst the learned men of the Eternal City and he received two testimonials from Pope Clemens VII upon leaving for home. The newly found sources have increased considerably the number of known participants in the relations between the two states, and fiurther refined our knowledge of the nature and quality of these relations. In the years before Mohács the representation of Hungary in Rome can be considered continuous and full. However, this representation did not operate in the framework of modern institutional forms, but was based on the informal channels of an intricate network of personal connections.

