Ciubotă, Viorel (szerk.): Satu Mare. Studii şi comunicări. Seria istorie-etnografie-artă 25/2. (2008)

A. Istorie

Diana légár, Sárándi Tamás The study approaches seven História Domus belonging to Roman-Catholic parishes of the County of Satu Mare, analyzing the information of the end of 1918 and beginning of 1919. One of the events of which História Domus speaks is the proclamation of the Republic of Hungary and election of Károlyi Mihály as prime-minister. The second great event is the instauration and functioning of the Hungarian Soviet Republic. People make no significant difference between the Republic of Károlyi Mihály and the Communist Republic of the spring of 1919. The same way, the image of communists is over posed by the one of the social-democrats. The story of the priest of Cămin regarding his imprisoning during the Hungarian Soviet Republic is a remarkable collection of data and details about this short period of time. The entering of the Romanian army is usually associated with a short text and a total lack of detailed information or personal attitudes. There is a single exception, that of the priest of Foieni. This type of self censorship can be interpreted as a measure of precaution in case the Romanian administration becomes a permanent fact. 126

