B. Papp szerk.: Studia Botanica Hungarica 36. 2005 (Budapest, 2005)

Siller, Irén, Vasas, Gizella , Pál-Fám, Ferenc , Bratek, Zoltán , Zagyva, Imre; Fodor, Lívia: Hungarian distribution of the legally protected macrofungi species

Soproni-hegység, Vendvidék: Szakonyfalu (Luzulo-Fagetum), Zempléni-hegy­ség: Nagykerek-hegy (Luzulo-Quercetum subcarp. fagetosum). Squamanita schreieri Imbach (Agaricales, Tricholomataceae) Cap: 5-10 cm diameter, convex, later flattened, umbonate, colour ochraceous yellow, golden yellow, covered by numerous tiny, partly relinquishing scales. Gills', white, decurrent with tooth. Stem: colour similar with that of the cap, surface squamulose, strongly thick­ened like beet with white tuberculated, bulbous end, covered by yellow brown, brown floccose scales at the upper edge of the bulb. Flesh: white, thick, scent pleasant, but not characteristic. Taste mild, hazel­nut-like. Life-strategy: mycoparasitic on various species of Agaricales (Cystoderma, Galerina, Hebeloma sacchariolens) according to recent studies (REDHEAD et al. 1994). Occurrences in Hungary, habitats: June-October, on sand in catchment area forests, in groups or in smaller clusters. In Hungary found in oak wood and near Pinus trees. Distribution, frequency: Known from Europe and Northern America, but very rare. A few European records show it from Italy, France, Switzerland, Ger­many (KRIEGLSTEINER 2001). Hungarian red list category: 1. Justification: Endangered in Europe and in Hungary as being close to extinc­tion because of its special life-strategy (mycoparasite). Known Hungarian records: BABOS (1989): Budai-hegység: Szépvölgy (ad marginem pineti culti). RlMÓCZI et al. (1997): Bátorliget: Ősláp. BP: Budai-hegy­ség: Hármashatár-hegy (in quercetó). Strobilomyces strobilaceus (Scop.) Berk. (Boletales, Boletaceae) Fruit-body: with woolly scales, greyish black, black. Hymenium: tubular, in the beginning pale grey, becoming brown, black with age or when pressed. Stem: slender, woolly, pubescent, blackish.

