„Egy nép kiáltott. Aztán csend lett.”; Az 1956-os forradalom Székesfehérvárott (Székesfehérvár, 1996)

Angol nyelvű összefoglaló

job concerned demands into words. The County Secretary of People's Front called a prelim­inary meeting to form the town and the county national committees. They also defined the main task of the president and secretary of the national committees. Firemen began to remove the coat-of-arms of the people's republic and red stars from public buildings. On 26th committees were organized to lead the revolution. In the mines and factories workers formed temporary workers' committees and guards to protect property. A demon­stration set free the political prisoners from the county jail. The Secretary of the Hungarian Workers Party County Committee resigned after being hidden for several days in the corps headquarters In the morning of 27th in the centre of the People's Front negotiations began on how to form the National Committee of the town, on personnel questions and on items of the agenda. During this there was another demonstration in Townhall square which continued in County Hall Square. Here they claimed the president of the county council to resign. In the afternoon the National Committee took shape in a stormy political battle as István Hall was full of people not only with the delegates of the factories. The Executive Committee of the town got the authority to direct the town, practically they had the same task as the council before 1950. At the same time workers' councils were formed in the townhall and the county hall with two persons from each department. In those factories and workplaces where there had not been workers'councils yet, these councils were organized. They became responsible for ensuring work and solving personnel problems. To coordinate the activity of the councils a tenth committee was set up. On 28th it could be heard that after the first, the second secretary had also left his post. The new first secretary, Bánki told that he agreed with the resignation of the county president, the withdrawal of Soviet troops, the reforms in the town and the structural changes in social life. The State Security Authority was wound up and the national guard was set up. There was a general strike on 29th. Demonstrations continued. The crowd was looking for armed members of the State Security Authority without success in the centre of the County Party Committee. People wanted the resignation of the commander of army headquarters in front of the officers'pavilon in Zichy Park. The delegation of the National Committee of the town visited the government, and they held a meeting together with the county committee in the evening. They announced that Radio Vörösmarty started to broad­cast. The regional council set up the Revolutionary Workers'Council. The leading role of the National Committee was fading after that event. On 30th people's movement lost its impulsion. The events of how to make changes got into the foreground. Ten members of the townhall staff were dismissed because of incompe­tence, and those also who compromised themselves with sins against farmers. The delegates

