„Egy nép kiáltott. Aztán csend lett.”; Az 1956-os forradalom Székesfehérvárott (Székesfehérvár, 1996)

Angol nyelvű összefoglaló

Summary In the afternoon of 23rd October a popular movement began in Székesfehérvár almost parallel with that of the revolutionary events in Budapest. The initiative was taken by students of secondary schools. The tense political atmosphere led hundreds and thousands of people to the streets and squares in order that they could express their most important demands. In the evening of the same day students of secondary schools organized a demonstration at the local newspaper to force them to print their demands. Their talking about the events in the capital could be heard from the crowd who joined the students. At night units of Soviet special forces were commanded to Budapest. The aim of the government was to prevent the popular movement in the country and revolutionary events in Budapest with the help of the armed forces if necessary. In Székesfehérvár Hungarian military units from Börgönd and Polgárdi were controlling the roads, railways and rein­forced units were patrolling in the town. Members of the communist Party Commitete tried to maki a survey of political atmosphere in workplaces and persuade leaders to restrain their workers from taking part in demonstrations. They organized meetings for workers to argue for the necessity of unchanging the government and denied Imre Nagy as an alter­native prime minister who was desired to come into power by party opposition. The Secretariat of the Executive Committee of Fejér County Council informed the leaders of territorial and local executive committees about working steadily even in the tense political situation. People stopped working in factories on 24th October. Directors and political workers' warning that that they should keep on working remained powerless. With the participation of thousands of people there was a mass meeting and later demonstration in Townhall Square aiming for democtatic civel rights, independence, general elections, withdrawal of foreign troops and fearless public and private life. There were a number of students from the universities of Budapest who took part in the evening demonstration. István Készei ­a student from the faculty of arts informed them about the events of the capital with the usual passionate rhetoric of his personality. He managed to lead people into a new action. But at the police headquarters a Russian armoured vehicle and a squad of the Ministry of Interior fired into the crowd. There remained dead and wounded people in the street. In the morning of 25th there was another mass demonstration against the local leaders of state administration. The county head of the State Sceurity Authority and the President of the County Council Executive Committee called the demonstration a nazi youngsters dis­turbance in a leaflet. Committees were formed in factories and put their general and mainly

