Csapó Katalin - Éliás Tibor: Dobos és a 19. század cukrászata Magyarországon (Budapest, Magyar Kereskedelmi és Vendéglátóipari Múzeum, 2010)

ÉLIÁS TIBOR: Dobos C. József, a halhatatlan cukrász - Dobos könyvei

Julius Rottenhöfer: Illustriertes Kochbuch. München, 1858, MKVM lulius Rottenhöfer: Illustriertes Kochbuch. Munich, 1858, HMTT A 19. század elejétől egyre több magyar szakácskönyv jelent meg, s egymást túllicitálva hirdették magukat a legújabbnak, legjobbnak, leghasznosabbnak, igazi ma­gyarnak, nemzetinek stb., bár ha összevetjük őket, leg­többjük korábbi kiadások és idegenből fordított - sőt néha ferdített - művek változata. A több tucat korabeli munka közül kétségkívül kiemel­kedik a közel ezer oldalas, 400 metszett képpel és 21 színes táblával gazdagon illusztrált Magyar-franczia szakácskönyv, benne 2385 „vény"-nyel, azaz recept­It is interesting to note that although Szinnyei states that Duby and Szentpáli are one and the same, the second article doesn't mention the cookery book. True, the translations of the honourable lady are also barely mentioned. Janka Szentpáli must certainly have been a known and most probably respected figure moving at the fringes of literary circles, proof of which is the letter addressed to her from the writer Kálmán Mikszáth, which the postman was unable to deliver and so was returned to the sender, and this is why it has remained preserved as part of his legacy of letters. Unfortunately, it does not transpire which of the books of the by now aged, 76 year old lady Mikszáth is writing to express his thanks for, but the familiar tone makes it almost certain that they knew each other, were on good terms, and that this was not the first book they sent each other. "My Honourable Lady 1. Thank you very much for the book and especially for the kind words you were so gracious as to accompany it with. I am sorry that, although it is already the week of Christmas, I am unable to reciprocate your kindness, for nothing of mine has been published this year. The only novel I have written this year has only just been completed in the last edition of the Vasárnapi Újság, and so it will be months before it is published in book form. I wish the honourable lady a Happy Nw Year and good cheer, for this is the only thing worth anything. Your humble admirer, Kálmán Mikszáth Budapest, December 30, 1907 |The closed postcard is addressed:| To the honourable mistress Widow Mrs. Szabó lanka Szentpáli, Budapest (In other handwriting written above »Budapest«:] Rákosliget. |The name of the locality is crossed out and 66

