Csapó Katalin - Éliás Tibor: Dobos és a 19. század cukrászata Magyarországon (Budapest, Magyar Kereskedelmi és Vendéglátóipari Múzeum, 2010)

CSAPÓ KATALIN: Cukrászat a 19. században - Néhány híres fővárosi üzlet

Díszmunka cukorból, a Gerbeaud Rt. készítménye 1931-ben Decoration made from sugar, prepared by the Gerbeaud Corporation in 1931 is a cukrászat jelentős termékcsoportját képezték. Az első világháborúig nóttön nőtt az iparűzők száma, és egyre több gépet használtak a műhelyekben. A leg­több cukrász a világvárosiasodó fővárosban dolgozott. Ugyanakkor a vidéki mesterek között is jó néhányan növelték a szakma hírnevét. Hungary were also produced by Hauer. Because of the fashion of high tea, many types of cakes were made for consumption with hot chocolate and they offered a large selection of salty and sweet biscuits and small cakes. Ice cream was in supply throughout both summer and winter, figurai parfaits could be chosen from a sample catalogue and they provided home delivery to their customers. Confectioners were given permission to make chocolate in 1859. Despite the fact that later, in the 1880s, the chocolate and boiled sweet trade was partly and gradually taken over by confectionery production at an industrial level, figurai products and chocolate bars for St. Nicholas Day, Christmas, Easter and New Year, and of course the „szaloncukor", still remained a major part of the range of products made by confectioners as late as the 1930s. The number of professionals working in the confectionery trade grew continually until the First World War and machines were used increasingly often in their workshops and kitchens. Most confectioners worked in the capital city, which was well on its way to becoming a metropolis. At the same time, several master confectioners also made a name for themselves, and for their trade, in the provincial towns and cities of the country. To name just a few shops owned by renowned professionals, there was the Virág (Flower) in Szeged, the Kádár in Szolnok, the Cafliscb in Pécs, the Macoun in Szombathely, the lost and the R oráriusz in Miskolc, the Daubner in Orosháza and the Százéves Cuk- rászda (Hundred-year-old Confectionary) in Gyula. 35

