S. Nagy Anikó - Babucsné Tóth Orsolya - Szoleczky Emese: Mindenütt hódít. Reklám a nagy háborúban (1914–1918) (Budapest, 2009)

HEALTHCARE Lysoform, potash-soap dissolved in formaldehyde which, diluted in water, is an excellent disinfectant. Spirit of salt was first made by spice merchant Kálmán Brázay in the nineteenth century. He in­fused herbal oils and aromas in rectified alcohol and proceeded to dilute it with salty water. He added a touch of menthol. Diana was the most popular brand of spirit of salt during the Great War. It enjoyed great popularity among soldiers who used it externally and internally for rubbing it in or for dressing wounds, etc. The commercial campaign of Diana products (spirit of salt, face cream, powder] grew to amaz­ing proportions during the war. The graphic work of Zoltán Kónya (1918] stands out among the flood of advertisements.

