Hírközlési Múzeumi Alapítvány, Évkönyv, 2005

Rövid tartalmi összefoglaló angol nyelven

A couple of hours later I really needed the last line, as I could hardly leave the festive board. I was facing the first neuritis of my life, which was also a warning that it was time to retire. Astonishingly, the painful condition that persisted for several hours disappeared suddenly, while we were arranging the Péter Opris commemorative exhibition in Pécs. The next farewell event was the opening of the Advent Salon in December. Many of us came together in front of mailman-artist Imre Katona’s paintings. Our hearts were full of Advent expectations, when my successors were introduced. My tears were those of relief and gratitude that I could pass my duties onto reliable people. Engineer László Egervári is going to be managing director of the foundation and will have to face a lot of work and difficult logistical issues to resolve. Since his position does not involve managing the Postal Museum, his person will guarantee equality between the two museums and impartial evaluation of their achievements. Through new initiatives, it will be his responsibility to revitalise numerous professional and social ties of the founda­tion and its museums. Continuity and security will be ensured by an unchanged composition of the board and supervisory body of the Communications Museum Foundation, headed by István Kurucz, who has filled the post for fifteen years, confirming our belief in the purpose of preserving and presenting values of the past. Piroska Farkas Krizsák, my deputy so far, will take over the management of the Postal Museum. Rain or fine, she has always served the museum with faith and with the very best of her abilities to ensure exemplary exhibitions in a nice environment for those interes­ted in the history of telecommunications. The Stamp Museum, with no personal changes, will also have good prospects for the coming decades when the current, large-scale reno­vation project is completed. I often feel nowadays as if I put the saddle on my theoretical horse the wrong way. I now prefer enjoying memories of the way I have travelled and learnt to thinking of what is in front of me. The path, radiating with the setting sun, is full of people, some of whom already in a celestial home, who have all accompanied me, helped my efforts with attention and with good intent - or sometimes suffered from them. I think of the managers and senior officials of Hungarian Telekom Ltd, Hungarian Postal Service Ltd, Antenna Hungária Ltd, who set up the foundation and have ensured European conditions for our work. I say an affectionate good-bye to my colleagues. I thank them for their work and for sharing their joy and sorrow with me. The shared celebrations, weddings, baptisms, excursions, moving homes as well as illnesses and funerals have made us a big family. I was happy to be the head of that family. Dear Family Members! I wish you all good health, success and joy in your work in the future. I want you to know that while you come and go, my home will always have open doors for you and I a loving heart. Dear Readers! Kosztolányi said that a book needed readers to gain a meaning. Texts are just a diving board, because, as he said “A secret music of feelings, thoughts and moral judgements plays above, under and behind us. A miracle is in the making I wish that the inanimate letter gains life through our readers, and provide them with a rich experience for many, many years. 237

