Folia Theologica et Canonica 10. 32/24 (2021)
RECENSIONS 297 of the Pontifical University Urbaniana honored him with a commemorative volume in recognition of his much-appreciated teaching activities. The volume is enriched with contributions from the internationally most renowned authors in Prof. Incitti’s research fields. The collected work, following the themes of the individual studies, is divided into four main sections: I. Legal history and theology; II. The people of God; III. The teaching and sanctifying mission of the Church; IV. The material goods of the Church and the penal law of the Church. Within the First Chapter can be read the analysis of four authors (i.e. Alessandro Recchia, Pier Virginio Aimone Braida, Stefano Testa Bappenheim, Sandra Mazzolini). Among them 1 have to emphasize the articles of Alessandro Recchia (Immagini di una chiesa inquieta considerazioni intorno ad una miniatura del codice Vaticano Latino 2491, pp. 39-72) and Pier Virginio Aimone Braida (Canonisti e opere giuridiche nella biblioteca capranicense [XVsecolo], pp. 73-96). The content of the Second and Third Chapters is much richer, as these are the areas of Professor Incitti’s primary research. Therefore, the second chapter contains eighteen studies, some of which are individually most relevant to their subject matter, by leading researchers in this field (i.e. Carlos Jósé Errázuriz, Libero Gerosa, Juan Ignacio Arrieta, Achille P. Ouédraogo, Cecilia Agule, Ernest B. O. Okonkwo, Robert Bissell, Raffaele Santoro, Federico Gravino, Massimo del Pozzo, Paolo Gherri, Maurizio Martinelli, Elias Frank, Carlo Fabris, Lorenzo Lorusso, Matteo Carni, Szabolcs Anzelm Szuromi, Armand Paul Bosso, Elena Lucia Bolchi, Serenella Del Cinque). On the basis of their content and conclusions, it is necessary to mention in particular the work of Carlos Jósé Errázuriz on the specific internal relationship between the sacramental nature and the law of the Church (Riflessioni circa il rapporto tra santitä e diritto ecclesiale, pp. 125-134); Juan Ignacio Arrieta’s analysis of the participation of lay faithful in the organization of the Church, with particular reference to the exercise of rights and governmental power (Sulla partecipazione dei fedeli laid nell ’organizzazione della chiesa. Esercizio dei diritti e della potestá di governo, pp. 149-164); Ernest B.O. Okonkwo’s overview of the suitability of candidates for clerical status, with regard to admission to major seminary and integral formation {Suitability of candidates for Admission to major Seminary and Integral Formation: An Excursus in the Light of cann. 241 § 1 and 244 CIC1983, pp. 195-216); Paolo Gherri’s summary of the interpretation of the exercise of ecclesiastical government as ‘pastoral care’ in the light of Michel Foucault’s thought {Governo ecclesiale come “pastorate ” nella riflessione di Michel Foucault, pp. 265-278); Lorenzo Lorusso’s treatise on the transfer to another Church of one’s own right and its possible cases (Passaggio ad altra Chiesa sui iuris, pp. 337-360); and Armand Paul Bosso’s reflection on the parish priest’s office (munus), based on the CIC (1917), Vati