Folia Theologica et Canonica 10. 32/24 (2021)


298 RECENSIONS can Council II, the new Code of Canon Law (1983) and other sources of law (Alcune considerazioni sui munus del parroco, pp. 383-402). In a similar way, we can read important conclusions from the authors of the five studies of the Third Chapter (i.e. Antoine Mignane Ndiaye, Geraldina Boni, Luigi Sabbarese, Jósé Femández San Román, Antonio Interguglielmi). Here I must refer to Antoine Mignane Ndiaye’s discussion of the Church’s mission of teaching in the context of missionary law’ education (La mission d’enseignement dans le cadre d’une Faculté de Droit missionnaire, pp. 425- 440); Luigi Sabbarese’s considerations on the problem of the meaning of the episcopate, presbyterate and diaconate and their relationship to each other (Episcopato, presbiterato e diaconato: tre gradi o tre sacramenti?, pp. 465— 480); and to Jósé Femández San Román’s in-depth analysis of the question of the scope of ordination irregularities for non-Catholics (La cuestión del alcan­­ce de las irregularidades para las órdenes sagradas a los no católicos. Itine­rario redaccional y comentario de la interpretáción auténtica de 31 de mayo de 2016 sobre el can. 1041, 4°y 5°, pp. 481-496). The last theme, the Fourth Chapter, comprises only two studies, both of which, however, shed light on important aspects of ecclesiastical property law and canonical criminal law. Jesus Minambres discusses the basic principles of the proper management of the diocese’s material resources according to canonical regulations in the context of the governance and administration of dioceses (Governo, amministrazione e gestione delle risorse diocesane, pp. 513-526); while Andrea D’Auria examines the principle of legality within the canonical criminal law system in CIC Can. 1399 (i.e. that, except in the cases provided for in the Code or other laws, an external violation of divine or canon law may be punished by some appropriate penalty only if the particular gravity of the offence makes it indispensable and there is a serious need to prevent or remedy the scandal) [Principio di legalitá e sistema penale canoni­co. Esame del can. 1399, pp. 527-556]. The commemorative volume opens with a brief summary of the contents (pp. 7-10) and scientific abstracts (pp. 11-14), followed by introductions by Leonardo Sileo (pp. 15-18), Armand P. Bosso and Ernest B.O. Okonkwo (pp. 19-20), and a laudation by Juan Ignacio Arrieta (pp. 21-28). These are followed by a list of publications by Prof. Giacomo Incitti (pp. 29-32) and a list of dissertations he has moderated at the University of Urbaniana (pp. 33- 37). The work concludes with brief biographical summaries of the authors of the papers (pp. 557-564), a Tabula gratulatoria (pp. 565-567) and an index of names and subjects. The anthology “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?” is, as is sufficiently demon­strated by the above explanation, an outstanding summary of contemporary canon law and its recent achievements, especially in the field of the people of God and the teaching and sanctifying mission of the Church. In this work.

