Folia Theologica et Canonica 9. 31/23 (2020)


REPERTORIUM 365 SzuROMi, Sz. A., A Turning Point in the History of the General Councils of the West in the 13'h Century (A Critical Summary on the Importance of the Constitutions of the Fourth Lateran Council [1215] According to its Theological, Canonical and Histori­cal Aspects), in FTh 14 (2003) 161-178. Szuromi, Sz. A., An overview on the international relations of the Holy See since the ‘Roman question’ until 1967, correlated with the first codification (1917), in FThC VI (28/20) [2017] 105-118. Szuromi, Sz. A., Cardinal Mindszenty and the Hungarian bishops against the commu­nist dictatorship (1947-1974), in FThCV (27/19) [2016] 73-83. Szuromi, Sz. A., Idoneity for priesthood in the early canonical discipline (on overview based on the first centuries), in FThC VII (29/21) [2018] 301-314. Szuromi, Sz. A., La fondazione déllé universitá nel medioevo e le particolaritä dell’in­­segnamento universitario, in FThC III (25/17) [2014] 123-134. Szuromi, Sz. A., Les trois premiers Synodes d’Esztergom et la discipline ecclésiastique en Hongrie au XIIesiecle, in FTh 12 (2001) 57-64. Szuromi, Sz. A., Note suile decisioni dei Concili di Toledo dei secoli VI-VIII nella dis­ciplina ecclesiastica della «Hispania», in FThC VII (29/21) [2018] 113-122. Szuromi, Sz. A., Outlines of the medieval concordatary Law between 1122 and 1418, in FTh 19(2008) 303-314.' Szuromi, Sz. A., Peculiarities of the concept of ‘sacred power ’and its exercise between 1073 and 1303, in FTh 18 (2007) 261-270. Szuromi, Sz. A., Pope Benedict XV’s negotiations and the last years of the Austro-Hun­garian Empire, in FThC IX (31/23) [2020] 59-69. Szuromi, Sz. A., Relationship among the Holy See, Czech-, Polish-, and Hungarian Kingdoms in the 13'h - 14'h century, in FThC Supplementum (2016) 199-2010. Szuromi, Sz. A., The “Edict of Milan ” - it s composition and original meaning, in FThC VII (29/21) [2018] 235-246. Szuromi, Sz. A., The Early Councils and their Effect on Liturgy, according to the Cano­nical Collections up to the Decretum Gratiani, in FThC IX (31/23) [2020] 147-161. Török, J., Historia de las diócesis de Hunrgía, in FTh 3 (1992) 145-154. Török, J., History of the St. Paul order (A critical Study), in FTh 7 (1996) 179-196. Török, J., II missale quinqueecclesiense e Wilhelmus Durandus, in FTh 6 (1995) 215- 218. Török, J., Santo Stefano, ilprimo re d’Ungheria e l ’organizazzione della Chiesa Unghe­­rese, in FTh 11 (2000) 141-150. Török, J., Storia della liturgia medievale dell ’Ungheria, in FTh 8 (1997)143-156. Tóth, T., Clemens VIII. und der Lange Türkenkrieg in Ungarn, in FTh 16 (2005) 177- 230. Tóth, T., Gábor ed Adám Patachich e la riforma cattolica in Ungheria. L’esempio dell’Arcidiocesi di Kalocsa-Bács (1733-1784), in FTh 18 (2007) 271-298. Tóth, T., II Collegio Germanico ed Ungarico e la riforma cattolica in Ungheria - Un ’is­­tituzione per il rinnovamento (secolo XVIII), in FTh 19 (2008) 315-352.

