Folia Theologica et Canonica 9. 31/23 (2020)


366 REPERTORIUM V. Christian Philosophy Barbour, H., Salvare Apparentia, in FTh 17 (2006) 307-319. Barbour, H., The Cosmology of Catholic Communications: Postmodern Kerygma? A Reflection by a Desciple of SS. Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas, in FTh 21 (2010) 149-164. Barbour, H., The Cosmology of Catholic Worship: Pre-Socratic Sacraments? A Consid­eration by a disciple of St. Thomas Aquinas, in FTh 20 (2009) 7-30. Bolberitz, P., Flat die effektive Moral normative Kraft?, in FTh 5 (1994) 89-106. Bolberitz, P., Monotheismus in der westlichen Philosophie, in FTh 20 (2009) 31-42. Bolberitz, P, Providern als Mitleid Gottes, in FTh 14 (2003) 5-20. Bolberitz, P., The Beginning of Hungarian Philosophy (The Reception of Nicolas of Cusa in the work of "De homine” by Peter Monedulatus Csókás Laskoi), in FTh 16 (2005) 5-34. Csocsan de Váralja, E., The Just Income Distribution, in FTh 11 (2000) 111-140. Czakó, I., Abramo come paradigm del credente nel libro “Timore e tremore” di Soren Kierkegaard, in FTh 8 (1997) 199-225. Geissler, H., Coscienza e veritä nel dramma della storia della salvezza secondo ilpen­­siero di John Henry Newman, in FTh 5 (1994) 115-136. Göbel, Ch., Philosophie des Mönchseins. Am Beispiel des Ad Monachos des Evagrius Ponticus [cf. III. Patristic Literaure and Dogmatic History] Hegyi, M., Internus homo - eigentliches Selbst, in FTh 19 (2008) 77-96. Juhász, G. T., Equality and Inequality of “Christ ’s Faithful” from a Perspective of Phi­losophy and Theology of Canon Law, in FTh22 (2011) 163-175. Juhász, G. T., Status of “Christ’s Faithful”-A Philosophical and Canonical Overview, in FThC Supplementum (2016) 129-142. Kuminetz, G., Aktualität der tomistischen Staatsidee, in FThC Supplementum (2016) 143-182. Kuminetz, G., Das Wesen und die Bestimmung der Autorität und der Macht katholisch betrachtet, in FC 11 (2008) 159-182. Kuminetz, G., Die dauerhaftigkeit der naturrechtlichen anschauung der rechtsfolge, in FTh 20 (2009) 115-150.' Kuminetz, G., Die Teilnahme des katholischen Menschen am öffentlichen Leben im Lichte der gesellschaftsphilosophie von Sándor Horváth O.P., in FTh 19 (2008) 139- 184. Kuminetz, G., L ’elaborazione del contenuto del diritto naturale nella filosofia del dirit­­to tomista di Sándor Horváth O.P., in FTh 21 (2010) 35-86. Kuminetz, G., La conoscenza delle norme del diritto naturale e il valore teologico della teória del diritto naturale nella filosofia del diritto di Sándor Horváth O.P., in FThC VI (28/20) [2017] 23-37. Kuminetz, G., Sándor Horváth O.P. come tomista e filosofo del diritto e il diritto natural come parola chiave della filosofia del diritto, in FC 10 (2007) 35-70. Liske, M-Th., Monotheismus bei Plotin, in FTh 17 (2006) 153-160. Liske, M-Th., War Aristoteles Monotheist?, in FTh 20 (2009) 151-174. Patsch, F., Metodica -folosofica - critica: le te mondalitápossibili dell 'ermeneuticaper I’uso teologico, in FTh 20 (2009) 175-200. Puskás, A., Der Dialog von Philosophie und Theologie in Hans Urs von Balthasars Denken, in FThC VII (29/21) [2018] 81-100. Rászlai, T., Aquinas on the Infallibility of the Intellect, in FTh 12 (2001) 123-134.

