Folia Theologica et Canonica 9. 31/23 (2020)
RECENSIONS 351 only by the listed legal an canonical historical arguments, but the subject and internal logic of its structure, as compared with the structure of other legal-systems (pp. 13-15). Obviously, regarding its form, cannot be classified into the positivist legal sciences - which have evolved much later and dominated the continental legal thoughts until the last two decades of the 20lh century -, however, contents every internal element which make it fit for the definition of ‘law’ (pp. 15-18). This is the uniqueness of canon law: it contains a system of canonical principles formulated in different times of ecclesiastical history, which principles built on each other; it is a systematic corpus of norms, regulating the activity of the Church, and its precise - correlating with the contemporary epoch, preserving the constant teaching in clear form among all circumstances - interpretation, which has been formed on the day-to-day life of the Church. Prof. Carlo Fantappié’s concise work which was composed on the basis of legal historical and theoretical argumentation, is unique in the scholarly literature of the 2151 century. The summary which he has created, understands the system of canon law in every detail, provides clear guidance for canon lawyers, jurists, and legal historians. Moreover, for all those who seek to understand the inseparable unity of the doctrine and discipline of the Church. Szabolcs Anzelm Szuromi, O.Praem. Sabbarese, L. (a cura di), Opus humilitatis iustitia. Studi in memoria del Cardinale Velasio De Paolis, I. Urbaniana University Press, Cittá del Vaticano 2020, pp. 524 Card. Velasio De Paolis, who died on September 9th 2017 was one of the most prominent contemporary canon lawyer. Generations learned from him the clear-out knowledge and thinking on questions of theology and canon law. He thought canon law since 1971 at the Pontificia Universitä Gregoriana, then in 1987 had become dean of the Canon Law Faculty of the Pontificia Universitä Urbaniana. On December 3rd 2003 he was appointed secretary of the Apostolic Signature (since 2004 as titular bishop), as well as he fulfilled the presidential office of the Prefecture for the Economic Affairs of the Holy See (2008-2011) with exemplary punctuality. He was member of numerous dicasteries and his creation a cardinal took place in 2010 by Pope Benedict XVI. His wide theological, juridical and canonical knowledge, together with his crystal-clear categories made him a frequented invited professor by several higher educational institutes. Those speeches, homilies, etc. which were given by him for various occasions, expressed his close and personal love toward