Folia Theologica et Canonica 9. 31/23 (2020)
352 RECENSIONS Jesus Christ. This was the basis for any well balanced, precise explanation on ecclesiology or sacramental theology, which were always presented as a statement of a deeply faithful theologian, who understood from inside the unity of the doctrine and the discipline of the Church. Velasio De Paolis’juristic, instructional and pedagogical brilliance - even in the most complex situations- raised respect in his surrounders. The Pontificia Universitä Urbaniana arranged in memory to this unique scholar-personality, not only by a commemorative collected articles (planned to be arranged into three volumes), but established a “Velasio De Paolis’ Chair” within the Canon Law Faculty. Card. Peter Erdő is the first one, who has received this honorable title.. The first volume of the afore-mentioned monumental commemorative work covers three fields of canon law science: 1) questions about canon law history, law philosophy and about theology of canon law; 2) general norms; 3) the people of God. At the very beginning of this work takes place an introduction by Luigi Sabbarese (i.e. Presentazione, pp. 9-11), wherein he intends briefly to summarize the essence of Card. Velasio De Paolis’ specific character. Prof. Sabbarese finds it in the act of humility, which behavior is enlightened by several authors’ thoughts, including the classical writings of Alger of Liege. This “Presentation” followed by the bibliography of the deceased cardinal (f2017) [pp. 13-14] and by the abbreviations (pp. 15-16). Finally - as a “motto” of this volume - can be read Velasio De Paolis’ article on “Law in the mission of the Church” which was published at the first time in 2003 (pp. 17- 32). The Editor properly selected it from the author’s numerous publication, because in this article Velasio De Paolis described the essence of ‘raison d’étre’ of the canon law science and its inseparable correlation to the existence, life, sacrament- and sacramental administration of the Church, and also to the zeal which has been entrusted to the Church by Christ. The First Part - as we already indicated above - contains articles on canon law history, law philosophy and on theology of canon law. The contributors have been chosen from the current most prominent authors of canon law. Within this theme can be found Card. Peter Erdő’s writing, entitled “La perdita dello stato clericale nei primi quattro secoli” (pp. 35-48), but here takes place the work of Danilo Ceccarelli Morolli, Pier Virginio Aimone Braida, Alessandro Recchia, Alessandro Bucci, Giuseppe Dalia Torre, Carmela Ventrella, Onorato Bucci, and of Carlos Jósé Errázuriz M.. Among the studies- beside Peter Erdő’s already mentioned article - certainly I must refer to Carlos Jósé Errázuriz’ law-philosophical - law-theological analysis: “Brevi riflessioni sul rapporto tra diritto e morale nell’ammissione ai sacramenti: il ruolo della giustizia”. This work gives a competent briefing on canonical and moral conditions of receiving the sacraments, according to the principle of justice. The Second Part is much shorter as compared with the other sections of the volume. This is dedicated to the general norms of canon law. We can read here