Folia Theologica et Canonica 6. 28/20 (2017)


RECENSIONS 277 institutional system in the international scholarly life, but also among those who re interested in the real work and life of the Catholic Church. Rita Ferenczy Lopez de Guerenu, R. S., La nulidad del matrimonio canònico. Un análi- sis desde la jurisprudencia (Studia Canonica Matritensia 4), Ediciones Universidad San Dámaso, Madrid 2017 (second edition), pp. 593 We can read already the fourth volume of the canon law handbook series of the Universidad San Dámaso (Madrid). This ecclesiastical university, which was erected by Cardinal Antonio M. Rouco Varela has developed in the recent five years, not only infrastructural and through several new instructional programs of sacred sciences, but has undertaken a pioneer role in fields of serious - high scientific level - individual or joint research programs too. During her brief his­tory, the institute has reached prominent position in Madrid as a strict follower of the Magisterium’s instructions, together with the highest value of teaching in the loyal transmitting of the Catholic faith. Professor Roberto Serres Lopez de Guerenu's newly edited volume fits into this described background, on the question of nullity of marriage. The author analyzes this topic with particular attention to the jurisprudence, inserting also the recently published disciplinary documents by Pope Francis, the Tribunals of the Holy See, and by the singular decisions of the Rota of Madrid. In the introduction, the author summarizes that social, cultural, state and ecc­lesiastical legislation milieu wherein we must interpret the so-called invalid marriages. He expressively mentions that destroying effect on the natural insti­tute of marriage and the intentional acceptance of its essential elements which happens by the current general social-cultural atmosphere (p. 13). Then Lopez de Guerenu lists those principles which have formed the frame of the clear dis­cipline of the Church on marriage, and which have been able to prepare and de­fend throughout many generations that community between a man and a wo­man which was elevated for the level of sacrament by Jesus Christ himself. In order to support his argumentation from the pastoral-philosophical point of view, the authors several times refers to Card. Antonio M. Rouco Varela’s state­ments and thoughts, which are based on the unity, dissolubility of the marriage, and on the acceptance of children within the family, moreover the careful phi­losophical, pedagogical, and pastoral-psychological preparation of all the three aspects. This type of preparation - following the words of the Cardinal - must place special stress on enlightening from different angles the precise contents and meaning of those values which are disappearing in the current secularized society. Through this particular attention, the betrothed - later on parents - can

