Acta Papensia 2002 - A Pápai Református Gyűjtemények Közleményei 2. évfolyam (Pápa, 2002)

1-2. szám - Műhely - Dominkovits Péter: Az írásbeliség szerepe egy XVII. század eleji mezőváros (Szombathely) jogéletében

Műhely SzhR I. Id. Benczik-Dominkovits ... SzhR II. Id. Dominkovits ... TOMPOS Ernő 1942: Címeres pecsétek különös tekintettel a polgári címerekre = Soproni Szemle 6 (1942) 1-4. SZ. 42-54., 126-130., 177-183., 270-276. TOMPOS Ernő 1973: Soproniak középkori pecsétéi = Soproni Szemle 27 (1973) 4. sz. 289—306. TOMPOS Ernő 1977: Schleiffengrad Mihály soproni kovácsmester pecsétjei = Soproni Szemle 31 (1977) 75-76. TOMPOS Ernő 1982: Soproni polgári címerek a Szent Mihály Testvérület könyveiben = Soproni Szemle 36 (1982) 4. sz. 326-334. TÓTH Péter-TRINGLI István-BESSENYEl József 1996.: Latin-német-magyar paleográfiai szöveggyűjtemény. Miskolc (Miskolci Egyetem Történelem Segédtudományai Tanszék I. Sorozat, Jegyzetek). WERBŐCZY István 1897: Werbőczy István Hármasköny ve (ford., bev.: Kolosvári Sándor- Óvári Kelemen, jegyz.: Márkus Dezső) Bp. (Magyar Törvénytár) ZAGORHIDI CZIGANY Balázs 2000: Szombathelyi urbáriumok és inventdriumok aló. század­ból. Szombathely (Acta Savariensia 16.) SUMMARY PÉTER DOMINKOVITS The role of records in the legal life of a market-town, Szombathely, at the beginning of the 17th century During the last third of the 16th century, the value of the role of the privileged mar­ket-town of the bishop of Győr, Szombathely, had been raised both in Vas County and in the wider region, and owing to its functional system its position within the structure of settlements started to grow significantly. Due to the Turkish danger, the episcopal demesne nucleus including the market-centre along River Gyöngyös be­came the operational centre of the Chapter of Vasvár with notarial functions simi­larly to the stabilization of the county seat function from 1578 onwards. The dif­ferent levels of written records (e.g. an ecclesiastical body entrusted with notarial functions, the administration of the county seat and the market town together with that of the demesne) established — to use a modem phrase — a market of intellec­tuals at the beginning of the 17th century. At the beginning of the 17th century,the market-town of Szombathely possessed a fully developed sytem of written records. The different series of documents (the minutes of the general assembly and the judicature, the books of the vine-growing community, church and sheep-fold accounts) made the notarial work very similar to those of some smaller royal free boroughs. The lecture wishes to describe the role of records in the local legal life on the ba­sis of the survived minutes of lawsuits, confessions and prohibitions, together with those of the divisions of property recorded by the magistrate of Szombathely at the beginning of the 17th century (between 1606 and 1614). Sporadic references make it 58 Acta Papensia II (2002) 1-2.

