Acta Papensia 2002 - A Pápai Református Gyűjtemények Közleményei 2. évfolyam (Pápa, 2002)

1-2. szám - Műhely - Dominkovits Péter: Az írásbeliség szerepe egy XVII. század eleji mezőváros (Szombathely) jogéletében

Műhely evident that litigant parties justified their suits with a significant number of official and private documents at civil actions, especially at heritage and debt cases. In the case of heritage suits the proportion of documentary evidence records started to grow from 1609 onwards. The pleadings and the references of the minutes refer to a sig­nificant number of deed-collection in the possession of the municipal population. It does not directly mean the possessors’ knowledge of reading and writing, but calls the attention to the presence and significance of literacy culture. The growing weight and the spread of this latter process was also promoted by the development of the use of written market town records not to speak of the practice based on the Tripartititum, a book of authority on customary law assembled by István Werbőczy: privileged towns were allowed and ordered to have a developed use of written rec­ords (e.g. possession of real estates). It cannot be excluded either, that the very same process was reinforced on the other hand by the educated, nationally and regionally recognized legal profession representing the litigant parties. 3. kép Kézisajtó az újkori Európában (Pápai Református Gyűjtemények, Baldacci-metszetgyűjtemény) Acta Papensia II (2002) 1-2. 59

