Kaszab Zoltán (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 68. (Budapest 1976)
Jánossy, D. ; Kordos, L.: Pleistocene-holocene Mollusc and Vertebrate fauna of two caves in Hungary
peculiarity of accumulation Microtus arvalis also disappareared completely The swarming of dormice (Eliomys, Dryomys, Glis and Muscardinus) had began. Rejtek I. Rock Shelter — Block II level 2 (30-60 cms). Its identification with the Bükk Phase is uncertain because of the mixed character of the layers. It can be ascertained however that Pleistocene species are already lacking and MyodesPitymys- Apodemus group is predominant among micromammals in a proportion corresponding to that of a modern faunal assemblage. Kőhát Phase: In the Jankovich Cave the investigation of layers began at the 30 cms' level representing the Bükk Phase, therefore the two upper phases are not known from the cave. Petényi Cave — In this cave well-defined layer Hn yielded material enough for quantitative evaluation, therefore, here Kőhát phase can be described well. In this phase the complete lack of Apodemus and the slight decrease of the number of Myodes are caused by the local increasing of Arvicola. At the same time the number of Apodemus together with those of dormice is increasing. At this period the cave became a bats' hibernaculum. Rejtek I. Rock Shelter — Block II level 1 (0-30 cms). It contains also the fauna of the Alföld phase. Even Arvicola had disappeared, Microtus arvalis survived while the ApodemusMyodes-Pitymy s assemblage is still present with slight changes in its proportion. Alföld Phase: Petényi Cave — Layer Hi_n. The number of Arvicola decreased and a rapid augmentation of Apodemus and dormice began. The modern assemblage of micromammals Apodemus-Glis-M yodes-Pitymys of our days has developed. Mus musculus appeared as a new element in the fauna. Rejtek I. Rock Shelter — Block II level 1. Contains the material of this phase, too. Mus musculus appears probably here. The biostratigraphical system described above is essentially an order of faunal succession the evolutional rate of which may by different in various territories, consequently the chronological limits of the phases in different geographical areas may be brought forward or postponed. Now our task is to try to make a chronological correlation, unfortunately various absolute age determination methods cannot supply a confirmed basis for comparison. It seems that the most feasible arrangement is to compare the scales of different fields of research (archaeology, palynology, anthrakotomy, etc.). As regards the three basic faunas in Hungary the following correlation can be established : This comparison may prove that exact chronological identification and correlation are at present far from being a solid foundation for marking a complete scale yet all the three localities yielded molluscs, vertebrate fauna, pollen, charcoal and archaeological finds.